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Car towed away whilst on holiday

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There was a town that tried getting rid of it's traffic wardens. You should google it and see how well that worked, you might change your 6 thumbs up opinion.


What's that got to do with the price of fish. Nobody has said any thing about getting rid of traffic wardens.


---------- Post added 20-12-2016 at 21:21 ----------


If motorists behaved in a manner consistent with the law then they wouldn't get tickets


Its hardly rocket science is it ?


but as you believe you are above the law i guess it is


If Amey management trained their staff to know and obey the rules then people wouldn't get needless tickets and the hoop jumping that goes with it.


---------- Post added 20-12-2016 at 21:29 ----------


So you are basically saying that I need to make sure I have a camera to hand to take pictures of ANY notices in case they get changed while parked and then towed (car taken without permission or otherwise known as stolen) trhen pay lots of money (that i might not have available) to get said car back and then claim it was taken incorrectly as I was not at fault. But that's OK as I take photo's everytime I park in case signs are changed or put up.


---------- Post added 20-12-2016 at 16:07 ----------



How do I prove the date had been changed while I was parked???


The signs say SCC on them have the nice logo of SCC on them so they are SCC associated signs. The guy changing the signs had no logo on his hi-vis so I would not have known if he was Amey or SCC and known even less if I can back and card had been towed as wouldn't seen the sign being changed only my car missing - hey the signs may have been removed at that point as work completed.


They also expect you to scour the area just in case they have randomly placed signs even when you are parked next to a perfectly good clear restriction notice. I quote from Parking services letter "It is up to drivers to make sure they check carefully for parking restrictions each time they park"

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What's that got to do with the price of fish. Nobody has said any thing about getting rid of traffic wardens.

Yes they quite clearly did.


Stop targeting motorists with tickets and there wouldnt be a backlog of appeals.


---------- Post added 21-12-2016 at 07:37 ----------


If Amey management trained their staff to know and obey the rules then people wouldn't get needless tickets and the hoop jumping that goes with it.


What rules do you think Amey aren't following? And how is this related to a general backlog?

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It is not just the rules.

They need to learn how to use their brain and use it to estimate and calculate ahead and use an agenda, calendar to manage these projects.

Right now its more like they come drunk from the pub screaming, hey what shall we do next today.

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It's the rules I'm asking Klondike Kid about, he said they aren't following them, what rules aren't they following?


That's fine, I only said "not just"


Klondike appears to blame backlog and tickets to amey breaking rules.


A chess player has to follow the rules, no cheating.

I don't think amey is cheating but they fail to look at the board and think about their moves to develop a strategy to gain control over the game.

If you only think two or three moves ahead you belong to the bottom category.

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