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Car towed away whilst on holiday

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They are doing resurfacing on my road today. The card that came through the door says they will give five days notice. The signs only went up giving only 4 days notice so I rang them. The lady on the phone confirmed that cars cannot be moved or fines issued if the signs went up with less than five days notice. She also confirmed that these signs went up with less than five days notice. So my car will be moved when I am good and ready today.

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Yes as were others including one showing a blue badge,but unlike some on this thread cars weren't towed, presumably because the resurfacing works were not done for a few more days.

Informal appeal refused as the assessor claimed evidence that clearly was erroneous according to their own photos hence my assertion that the evidence was not properly reviewed and so dragged the process on.


I didn't even realise they were ticketing, AFAIK the only thing they were doing was towing.

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