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Tour de Yorkshire 2017 - finishes in Sheffield


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Been said before I imagine, but here goes. Maybe if cyclists paid a small contribution to use the roads, £20 a year say. Maybe if they had to pay insurance, accidents do happen. Maybe if they were MADE to abide by the rules of the road, then just maybe the motorist would be slightly more generous towards them.


Just an aside, stuck in the morning rush just outside Huddersfield t'other day, we were passed by cyclists riding on the path, weaving in and out of the stationary traffic. Worst of all, a couple of clowns actually passing the line of traffic on the wrong side of the road, maybe suicide was on their minds. Oh to finish, one guy decided that traffic lights on red does not apply to push bikes, he drove straight through at some speed. Wat a clart heerd he was.




You do realise that only a teeny tiny percentage of motorists have a problem with cyclists, in fact the number is not even worth bothering about, in fact you can almost fit cyclist haters that frequent this forum into a convenient profile :hihi:

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Been said before I imagine, but here goes. Maybe if cyclists paid a small contribution to use the roads, £20 a year say. Maybe if they had to pay insurance, accidents do happen. Maybe if they were MADE to abide by the rules of the road, then just maybe the motorist would be slightly more generous towards them.


Just an aside, stuck in the morning rush just outside Huddersfield t'other day, we were passed by cyclists riding on the path, weaving in and out of the stationary traffic. Worst of all, a couple of clowns actually passing the line of traffic on the wrong side of the road, maybe suicide was on their minds. Oh to finish, one guy decided that traffic lights on red does not apply to push bikes, he drove straight through at some speed. Wat a clart heerd he was.




Go on then, I'll bite.


You know most cyclists have cars yeah? Well they pay the same as you do.


You know cyclists pay income tax, VAT, NI etc, just like you do.


Should the roads be kept for taxpayers? Keep the unwaged off the roads? Or maybe just allow them on when us taxpayers are not using them.


Sounds good eh?

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