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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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To my mind, religion is essentially a form of mental illness; albeit, a mild and often benign one. Is it time we stop pretending otherwise / pandering to it's irrational ideas?


Its a club that some people like to join.


You can go just once a week and benefit from the social aspects of the club, or get carried away and let it take over your life.

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Each to their own I say, just don't make it compulsory.


Well yes, I agree, each to their own.


However, as a society, should we make special allowances or extend privileges to individuals who hold certain unfounded irrational beliefs; and not afford those privillages to others?

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To the believer though, these ideas and beliefs are rational


I would think, their beliefs may seem 'right', but I'm not sure they themselves would consider their beliefs to be 'rational', as they are not arrived at through a rational process.


If they had been more rational, then perhaps they would be less inclined to mass participation belief systems?


---------- Post added 03-12-2016 at 20:58 ----------


Unfortunately clubs with opposing beliefs often clash, especially when sharing the same space. Left, right, blades, owls nit just race and religion!


This is another interesting (and telling) dynamic. Why do people get upset or even aggressive if other people hold opposing views to them?


I wonder if some people feel more validated in their beliefs, when more people share them. Almost as if, more people believing a thing, adds to it's credibility.

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