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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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So explain to me the founding of the early Christian church and persecution thereof if Jesus didn't exist.

My questions in post 127 still stand and haven't been answered.


You might do better switching to Islam if this bothers you so much. It's the same god and Mohammed was at least a verifiably real person.



You're doing what a lot of superstitious people do. You're trying to partition the world into the rational and the spiritual and claiming that there are 2 fields with 2 different means for accessing knowledge and understanding.

Problem is it's completely bogus. All facts and all understanding of reality are the same. Reason, and the scientific method are the only legitimate way of validating hypotheses. Things don't become true because you will them to be.


What is it that you imagine distinguishes the 99% of questions which are answered with reason, logic and science from those which you would like to reserve to this other system of thinking?

Edited by unbeliever
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I started by saying I am not a follower of any particular religion or book and wanted to separate religion from spirituality which I believe everyone has, whether they want it or not. Some people chose to ignore it which is their right and others chose to embrace it, which is theirs.


We'll never understand each other which is a pity, but I'm perfectly happy with that arrangement and I assume you are with yours. So let's live and let live and leave it at that.

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I started by saying I am not a follower of any particular religion or book and wanted to separate religion from spirituality which I believe everyone has, whether they want it or not. Some people chose to ignore it which is their right and others chose to embrace it, which is theirs.


We'll never understand each other which is a pity, but I'm perfectly happy with that arrangement and I assume you are with yours. So let's live and let live and leave it at that.



We were always going o live and let live. Or does that mean that you want protection from questioning and criticism?


I understand you completely. You choose to believe that thee is a domain "spirituality" which is somehow separate from reality and thereby not the province of science. You believe this because you want it to be true and you claim that this is legitimate.

It's not unusual, it's just not useful to fully rational people.

It's not harmful in of itself, but by justifying irrationality of this kind you help perpetuate the idea that such irrationality is reasonable and worthy of special protection in law and debate, and nothing in the world is more destructive than that.

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I started by saying I am not a follower of any particular religion or book and wanted to separate religion from spirituality which I believe everyone has, whether they want it or not. Some people chose to ignore it which is their right and others chose to embrace it, which is theirs.


We'll never understand each other which is a pity, but I'm perfectly happy with that arrangement and I assume you are with yours. So let's live and let live and leave it at that.


Im perfectly happy for you to live as you wish.


When you start trying to persuade others of your delusions, and when you specifically start to try to denigrate science, which is responsible for almost everything you make use of from fire onwards, then I will have an issue with that. You are not entitled to immunity from criticism just becuase you think you are doing no harm.

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Im perfectly happy for you to live as you wish.


When you start trying to persuade others of your delusions, and when you specifically start to try to denigrate science, which is responsible for almost everything you make use of from fire onwards, then I will have an issue with that. You are not entitled to immunity from criticism just becuase you think you are doing no harm.


Bloody hell, you two (Unbeliever as well) are like a dog with an itch it can't scratch.


When you stop using words like delusions and claiming people with faith are somehow mentally deranged I'll stop having to fight my corner. Have you any idea how insulting your language is?

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Bloody hell, you two (Unbeliever as well) are like a dog with an itch it can't scratch.


When you stop using words like delusions and claiming people with faith are somehow mentally deranged I'll stop having to fight my corner. Have you any idea how insulting your language is?


Et tu Brute. Have you any idea how insulting YOUR language about science and what we have devoted our lives to - which btw has produced worthwhile results - is..?

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Bloody hell, you two (Unbeliever as well) are like a dog with an itch it can't scratch.


When you stop using words like delusions and claiming people with faith are somehow mentally deranged I'll stop having to fight my corner. Have you any idea how insulting your language is?


We need reason to face the challenges the universe throws our way as a species.

Superstition kills. Not only directly but by fostering ignorance and even trying to present it as a virtue.

Look back on this thread. Arguments are made by the deists that some ares of knowledge are immune to the scientific method. The loss from failing to properly study and come to understand these things would be enormous.


Science is already being held back across the world by superstitious policy makers.

Thousands of people are training across the world right now to kill us on the grounds that we don't show our devotion to their god on their terms.

Don't expect us to stop complaining about it, or treat it as harmless.

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Im perfectly happy for you to live as you wish.


When you start trying to persuade others of your delusions, and when you specifically start to try to denigrate science, which is responsible for almost everything you make use of from fire onwards, then I will have an issue with that. You are not entitled to immunity from criticism just becuase you think you are doing no harm.


When have I ever denigrated science?


Give me specific examples please.

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