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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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I understand. I do rather struggle to let these things go. I'm aware of the possible traps which might be laid to get the thread closed.


If this thread gets closed, you can always always start another to continue all your raving and ranting.

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Hi Pete, thank you for taking the time to respond and share your insights. I have quoted you below, and made comments where I felt appropriate.


First of all. My apology to Obelix. I had no intention of portraying him or believe him to be a “religion basher”. My use of the term was meant as a generalisation for the type of atheism exemplified by militant atheism / aggressive secularism.


I really dislike that kind of thing. People are first and foremost human beings. I feel on balance, religion is probably a blight on those people, and on society as a whole. Being critical of religion, is not being critical of individuals who claim to practice religion. In fairness though, and for the sake of being constructive and clear, I think it probably more helpful to address the specific aspects of religion (that I feel are unhelpful or harmful) one by one.


The notion of spiritual refers to a reality beyond the physical. Pursuing a spiritual life usually involves certain practices such as prayer, meditation and contemplation.


Some Eastern religions encourage meditation. The basic object of meditation (Hindu,T.M,Buddhist, Islam) is to acquire a state of complete rest in your, body and spirit. Thereby eliminating stress and facilitating contact with deeper, more creative levels of your consciousness. Rational thinking is intentionally suppressed.


Yes yes, of course. There is nothing wrong with being at peace with yourself, and disengaging from rational thinking, and resting in awareness. In fact, doing so is very healthy and balanced.


The problem is, that isn't what religion (in practical terms) is about. It takes you in the opposite direction, and fills your mind with all kinds of speculation and religious concepts. If these are mean't to be metaphors for truth; people tend to not see them as such, they think they are truth direct, and jealously guard their version of truth (though, no doubt they do not think of it as a version of truth, but see it as truth itself - that only they and their kind are chosen to see). All this only serves to create disharmony and friction between people.


It is precisely this taking your resting state of awareness; and spinning it out in to a story (when the individual does not see it as such), that I am likening to an illness. Though, I'll admit it, I was being somewhat inflammatory with my choice of language. It's perhaps fairer to liken it to 'voluntary self delusion'?


So, on to my critiques...


I would think spirituality, is entirely experiential; and does not involve spinning out stories in the mind; which for example, relate to how we got here, or where we go when we die. It only deals with the here and now.


All the positives you mention, concerning religion; I would think are available through meditation, contemplation, introspection, mindfulness, etc. All without the baggage of religious thinking.


Religion betrays self trust. It requires you disregard your own judgement and subjugate yourself to some external authority (person or ancient ideology). This seems to me to be the antithesis of 'spiritual', and inhibits an individuals ability to respond appropriately to situations.


Religion creates artificial distinctions and conflict between people.


Some religions (though, perhaps this is also a cultural thing) encourage men to think of women as lesser beings or property of men.


Then there's the whole thing of separating 'physical reality' from 'spiritual reality', including the notion that sex is bad wrong evil sinful.


I could go on and on and on; while I wish for all people to see with clarity, to be happy, well, and to live fulfilling natural lives; I strongly feel that religious thinking inhibits such, and does more harm than good for people, for societies, for humanity as a whole. Hopefully we'll collectively grow out of it!


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 00:57 ----------




I notice there's some talk of this thread closing. I hope it doesn't. We have to be capable of having a constructive debate here! I certainly hope so at least.



Edited by Waldo
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The numbers are in a steady decline though.


---------- Post added 18-12-2016 at 09:39 ----------



You can stop 'contributing' at any time...


I think you will find the numbers are vastly increasing if you count all religions , spirituality etc aethiests are in the vast minority

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