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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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Well as Wittgenstein wittily observed, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."* - until you have a language, whether that's mathematics, formal logic, English or Aramaic, that can encompass these concepts and make them transmissible, there's really no point trying.


People do try, of course, and this is linked to religion.


Of all the languages, literature, art and architecture probably come closest to expressing these concepts, but still very crudely. The link between religion and all three disciplines is very clear to me.


We need more kids to go into semiotics, applied metaphysics and axiomatics, instead of all this STEM rubbish.;)


*I believe he recanted the entire book this appears in.

You can say the exact same thing for anything else, it's such an ambiguous and catch-all trio.

There's an undeniable link between literature/art/architecture & food. A link between them and sports.

Animals, the sea, flowers, the human body, motor vehicles, love/romance, etc..

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As a life-long agnostic & one who has never been impressed by the "seeing god in nature" line of thinking, it recently occurred to me that the phenomenon of the total solar eclipse was due to the sun & the moon being the the same apparent size if viewed from the Earth.

The eclipse is not an inevitable consequence of the earth having a moon. If the Moon were the same mass but denser or less dense the phenomenon would not occur. Coincidence or design? I fully expect Unbeliever to summarily dismiss this one.

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As a life-long agnostic & one who has never been impressed by the "seeing god in nature" line of thinking, it recently occurred to me that the phenomenon of the total solar eclipse was due to the sun & the moon being the the same apparent size if viewed from the Earth.

The eclipse is not an inevitable consequence of the earth having a moon. If the Moon were the same mass but denser or less dense the phenomenon would not occur. Coincidence or design? I fully expect Unbeliever to summarily dismiss this one.


Will do.

Are you aware of the fine-tuning argument? I think you may be on some level hunting for it.

It's not really applicable here as if there were no solar eclipses, it wouldn't matter in any practical way and we'd just be looking up at the sky in awe of something else noteworthy.

It's rather unfortunate that we find ourselves in a solar system with only one life-bearing planet for example, would be nice to have a second one close by to study.

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So abandon hard science and revert to pre-rational philosophy?

Let me know how that works out.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was suggesting, Unbeliever.


How's the humourectomy panning out?


I have no time for the argument that real knowledge can emerge from sources other than hard science. It's taken hundreds of years to establish this principle and it needs defending.


It was a complete success then. Excellent news.


You can say the exact same thing for anything else, it's such an ambiguous and catch-all trio.

There's an undeniable link between literature/art/architecture & food.

You're missing my point entirely.

A link between them and sports.




the sea,




the human body,
motor vehicles,
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  • 2 weeks later...




I thought you might be interested in the following.


" Srinivasa Ramanujan. Srinivasa Ramanujan, (born December 22, 1887, Erode, India—died April 26, 1920, Kumbakonam), Indian mathematician whose contributions to the theory of numbers include pioneering discoveries of the properties of the partition function.22 Mar 2016."


When he was asked about where he got his ideas from he said, " God " S.R was true genius and intuitive mathematician .



Partition theory -how many ways are there of breaking up 100 ?


Only joking.




A devout Brahmin all his short life. As this thread started by speculating on religion as a

form of mental illness.Ramanujan is a shining example of a sane and extremely clever believer.

Edited by petemcewan
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People seem to get offended by anything these days, and judging by the very strongly held opinions in this thread, I thought I'd just ask. I'm glad to see common sense seems to be prevailing. IMO it all comes down to the intentions of the sender. If no offence was intended, then generally speaking, none should be taken.



Oh yeah that old fall back position " the PC brigade". Sun reader are we ?

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