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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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Several well respected scientists had a belief in God or some greater power, so science and belief can and do co-exist.


Not when you try and explain a scientific principle by means of reference to God you can't


I am not a church goer, but I rather object to your comments in the highlighted paragraph, where you presume to know the minds of people who do, or might think differently from you.


That's fine. You can object as much as you like. I find it curious that you can presume to know my mind - which you are doing when you state that " you presume to know the minds of people" - yet I'm not allowed to make that self same presumption.


Double standards Anna. Thats a rather egregious logical fallacy


As you are so far removed from any belief at all,


Theres that presumption again that I cannot make but you can... :roll:


I don't know how you can presume to know what motivates people's beliefs,


Deduction by means of empirical observation and experience.


but speaking for myself; (the only mind I have intimate knowledge of,)


But you presume above..


you are way off target.


And presume again...


None of what you say is my experience.


Everyone has different experiences


You come across as arrogant and aggressive, not very nice traits,


Little bit of the expected ad hominem - another logical fallacy..


but ones that seem to abound with militant atheists.


And theres the third logical fallacy of the broad brush


A little humility and an open mind would do you good. You are hardly a good advert for your cause and how it affects people.


and finish off with another rerun of ad hominem.


Are you going to answer the questions I raised earlier in a thread? Thats one of your great failings -you swan in drop insults and whatnot and then refuse to debate anything at all because people are being mean.


Like you.


---------- Post added 07-12-2016 at 23:44 ----------


That tactic, throwing out wise-sounding quotes with no substance instead of putting forward an argument or any reasoning, it's textbook Christian apologetics tactics.


That's why it's so easy to defeat.


You can quote the classic response which being in Latin makes it sound ever so impressive... quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur after all... :)

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Do you have original copies of the laws 'created' by God?


Yes they have been preserved you can go to a library . A bookshop or read them online . I was only asking for a source to to the same with literature that predates the bible on moral issues etc

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Yes they have been preserved you can go to a library . A bookshop or read them online . I was only asking for a source to to the same with literature that are dates the bible on moral issues etc


These are not the originals though are they?

For a start, the story goes that the original 10 commandments were smashed by Moses before the ink was dry (this is a metaphor).


None of this matters. We have provided you with ample evidence that the prohibitions against murder and theft and such predates your god by many hundreds of years. What have you to say to that?

Edited by unbeliever
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Yes they have been preserved you can go to a library . A bookshop or read them online . I was only asking for a source to to the same with literature that predates the bible on moral issues etc


They are the original copies?


I mean the Code of Hammurabi is preserved - you can go see the stele in the Louvre. Now since this is 1750BC which predates the earliest writing of Genesis by about a thousand years which should we prefer?

Edited by Obelix
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They are the original copies?


I mean the Code of Hammurabi is preserved - you can go see the stele in the Louvre. Now since this is 1750BC which predates the earliest writing of Genesis by about a thousand years which should we prefer?


Yes I've seen it. It's awesome.

Not everybody who carves rules in stone comes up with an excuse to promptly smash them.

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The bible predates that by 1,000s of years that's where they got the ideas from !




Did the bible come before or after the dinosaurs?


Why can I hear the collective sounds of all SF readers spitting tea over their keyboards?

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The bible predates that by 1,000s of years that's where they got the ideas from !


No it really doesn't. The earliest drafts of Genesis have been dated to about the 6th century BCE - see Van Seters (1998)


---------- Post added 08-12-2016 at 18:15 ----------


Just to be clear, you're claiming the Bible was written several thousand years before 1750 BC ?


Assuming it is then on what is the next question?


Using what script?


And before Aramaic existed one suspects.


---------- Post added 08-12-2016 at 18:16 ----------


Why can I hear the collective sounds of all SF readers spitting tea over their keyboards?


Because he's talking cobblers?

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