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Time to face up to the truth of religion?

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Assuming it is then on what is the next question?


Using what script?


And before Aramaic existed one suspects.

Next question would be does he understand that before BC you count in reverse? You'd be surprised how many people don't know that.


---------- Post added 09-12-2016 at 08:47 ----------


To my mind, religion is essentially a form of mental illness; albeit, a mild and often benign one. Is it time we stop pretending otherwise / pandering to it's irrational ideas?


I think, for most people, it isn't a form of mental illness. If you believed something that your parents had been telling you since you were a small child, even though it wasn't true, would that make you mentally ill?

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Next question would be does he understand that before BC you count in reverse? You'd be surprised how many people don't know that.


Seriously you are not jesting me?




Mind you its not unbelievable, considering the howling mad responses we do get I suppose whenever the topic comes up

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Seriously you are not jesting me?




Mind you its not unbelievable, considering the howling mad responses we do get I suppose whenever the topic comes up


It wouldn't surprise me if this is even deliberately incorrectly taught, in some Kingdom halls. I've heard so many arguments based on a fundamentally wrong understandings of things.


When there's people like Ken Ham, with his multi-million dollar Ark Encounter claiming that there were dinosaurs on the Ark, you should never be surprised about what is sometimes taught and believed.

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It wouldn't surprise me if this is even deliberately incorrectly taught, in some Kingdom halls. I've heard so many arguments based on a fundamentally wrong understandings of things.


When there's people like Ken Ham, with his multi-million dollar Ark Encounter claiming that there were dinosaurs on the Ark, you should never be surprised about what is sometimes taught and believed.


If those teaching it don't believe it, that changes it from being a religion to a scam cult.

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If those teaching it don't believe it, that changes it from being a religion to a scam cult.


I suspect that most people in the highest positions within religion aren't the strongest of believers.

America, for example, is notorious for its millionaire pastors.


---------- Post added 09-12-2016 at 13:57 ----------


It's easy to call the smaller religious organisations cults. Not all are the small ones are and some of the bigger ones (which are more respected) are more cultish.


It's easy to call most religions cults, unless you're using a different definition of the word to me.

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No. no it wasn't. Nobody thinks it was.



The bible covers the period when Babylon was first built ( Babel) the incarceration of the Jews in Babylon and even foretold how Babylon would be toppled from power , and then how it would become ruins and never be rebuilt all came true

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