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Colley School

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Hi, I'm new on here and would just like to say does anyone remember Colley School (now Parson Cross College) from around 1968 - 1973? I am particularly interested in the teachers of that time. Can anyone help???


Does anyone remember Mr Bell?


Hi Bladesbaby

I went to Colley from 73 to 77, and left in 79. :banana:

Mr Bell, always enthusiastic, quiet small for a PE teacher, but a very good guy.....

Jagger, Gibbs, Brightmore, Mellor, Burgin, Reed, Seymour, McNulty, Ollerenshaws, Tindell, Mason, Shaw, Greaves, Scowcroft, Stoddart, Howe

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  • 5 months later...
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My wife went to Colley 60 to 64 she says there was a sheep the kids named Cilla[after Cilla Black] I'll bet it was better lookin as well,a pupil called Tony Marshall looked after it

her name was Ann Atkinson her friends were Joan French/linda Marples/Josey Biggen/Diane Poulten/

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My wife went to Colley 60 to 64 she says there was a sheep the kids named Cilla[after Cilla Black] I'll bet it was better lookin as well,a pupil called Tony Marshall looked after it

her name was Ann Atkinson her friends were Joan French/linda Marples/Josey Biggen/Diane Poulten/


I remember laying a trail of munchies down the corridor so Hawkins would come into the school, got Mason really peed off!:hihi:

FYI, Mr Shaw drowned a few years ago whilst on his hols.

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Hi, I'm new on here and would just like to say does anyone remember Colley School (now Parson Cross College) from around 1968 - 1973? I am particularly interested in the teachers of that time. Can anyone help???


Does anyone remember Mr Bell?


I started at Colley in January, 1951. The first ' A ' Stream to go through the School.

Mr Harry Birch was the Head Teacher and Mr Ken Tompson our form teacher.

The School was composed of Twelve classrooms each leading off a corridor which went the length of the school building. A reception hall between room 6 and 7. served as the assembly hall and this was also the front entrance which was down a short path from Remmington Avenue. The school caretaker lived at the top house on the left on the Avenue at its junction with Remington Road


Mr Birch had his office in no 7 storeroom to where I, along with other class members, were often dispatched to, returning back to our classroom with the marks of either four or six strokes of his stick!! On occasion's, along with one or two others we would be paraded out in front of the entire school assembly, which had been gathered in the reception hall and prior to receiving either four or six strokes of the stick, Mr Birch would announce to all that they looking at a future bunch of ' Criminals and Vagabonds '.

I met him many years later and we had a real good laugh about that.


This all changed at Easter, Whitsunday or after the long August break, when Joe Mellor arrived, He brought with him a strap with tassels, I got it once and that solved my problem, as it did everyone else's in turn.


The first years ' A ' Stream did not have a prefect, they all came from the ' B ' stream. Jim Toulson, ( Lived on Rokerby ?) Brian Heald ( Lived on Colley Road ) and another big lad. We use to say to ourselves when they weren't within ear shot,' Strong in the arm, Weak in the head '!!


When I started, the school did not have a playground but just piles of earth that had been tipped from lorries. At the front of the school (Remington Avenue) pupils' laid out the gardens, the boys would spend as much time as possible digging the bit outside classroom 2. That was because it was the room where the girls did Keep Fit exercises!! The P.T.Teacher was extremely attractive though I can't remember her name.

(To be honest we weren't bothered about names!!)


In the middle of the school grounds a pond existed, this was drained and filled in, the drainage pipe going off under Wordsworth Ave near where the Working mans club is now.


I started a School Fishing Club and a Hiking Club. The Fishing clubs first outing was to the ponds at Ford, near Ridgeway and the hiking clubs first walk was from Lodgemoor, Redmires, Stanage, Hathersage railway station, back through Totley Tunnel and home.


The Fishing Club failed, basically because no one could afford a fishing licence!!.

The Hiking Club was taken over by Miss Marsh (or Mills) and Ken Thompson who certainly developed it into a very active out-door activity for the pupils at Colley to benefit from in years that came.


One outing. which only the pupils knew about, was a evening trip to the lyceum.

The entire ' A ' Stream of the class which was Ken Thompson taught went to the theatre to see a play put on by the Teachers Operatic Society which we had read about in the ' The Star ' newspaper all sitting on the front row in the top balcony.

Aptly named,' The Gods '.


When Ken Tompson made his sudden appearance, all of my 45 or 46 class mates stood up and shouted,' Good old Ken '. He promptly forgot his lines and the entire theatre rose up and cheered like mad. It took at least quarter of a hour for all to settle down. The theatre that night was like a mad house even those behind the scenes came out to see what had happened!!.


If any of the cast members spoke about this to their families or heard of this, I'd like to know what they thought of it.


At school I was always top at Maths and bottom at English. (Has can be noticed)

My last results:- Maths 98%. Distinctions in (over 75%) Science, Tech Drawing, Geography, History. (Then the bottom fell out!) English Comprehension 20%, Spelling 14%. I can still see the English teacher, Mrs Bucannon's face when that was announced.


Before I went to Colley, I often played truant. I'd meet another lad doing the same and we would go to the Castle Gate Fish Market. Collect the used wooden boxes, chop them up into sticks, make bundles of them, load them onto a old pram and go around Edward Street, Moorfields and Snig Hill Flats selling them. Afterword's I'd catch the 110 or 49 bus home at Bridge Street, joining those who had attended Burgoyne Road School on the way.


My mother thought that I'd been to Burgoyne Road School until one day I arrived home and unbeknown to me, the School Inspector had called to see her. After I had received her corrective therapy, which involved half killing me, I realised that, that was the end of my stick business enterprise and I was required to go to school.


After I started on 3 January 1951 at Colley Sec Modern. I cannot remember being off for one day, all the time that I was there. I left the,' 4A ' Stream in December 1953 to start my apprenticeship at Brightside Foundry and Engineering, Eccelsfield. in January 1954.


If anyone reading this belonged to especially my class. Please join in.

I was also Conservative Party Leader at Colley School with Diana Frost being my Under Secretary of State.

I choose her because she could write my speeches without any spelling mistakes.

(I fancied her also!!).

Names of teachers that I remember at the start:

Mr H Birch (Headmaster) Mr Ibbotson. Mr Tompson. Mr Wright. Mrs Vaurgan?. Miss Mills. ( The rest to follow).

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Hi Bladesbaby

I went to Colley from 73 to 77, and left in 79. :banana:

Mr Bell, always enthusiastic, quiet small for a PE teacher, but a very good guy.....

Jagger, Gibbs, Brightmore, Mellor, Burgin, Reed, Seymour, McNulty, Ollerenshaws, Tindell, Mason, Shaw, Greaves, Scowcroft, Stoddart, Howe


hiya i also left in 1979 whats your name?????????????

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