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Colley School

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i can remember steve smallcome about five years older than me do you remember terry hague hes about your age my brother he had a thing with polly wright off wheata road can you remember barbara cunningham allso from wheata road

I remember Thomas Cullen off wheata road I think his dad was a policeman

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Do you remember Steve Smallcome?


hi i know steve his sister diane was my best freind at collie he had a big sister carol and another sister i cant remenber her name mark was only a baby when i new them there dad was a taxi driver so was steve as i can remenber there mom and dad were very striked but nice famly

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hi i know steve his sister diane was my best freind at collie he had a big sister carol and another sister i cant remenber her name mark was only a baby when i new them there dad was a taxi driver so was steve as i can remenber there mom and dad were very striked but nice famly

His Dad passed away a few years ago, but all the rest of the family are fine. Their Mark is about 47 now so that was some years ago.I saw Diane last week she has just bought a new computer and is doing fine.

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hi i know steve his sister diane was my best freind at collie he had a big sister carol and another sister i cant remenber her name mark was only a baby when i new them there dad was a taxi driver so was steve as i can remenber there mom and dad were very striked but nice famly
christine is the other sister
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I left colley around 1980 and remember Mark smallcome he was the same age as me,I also remember the Bellemy twins they lived at number 11 dugdale road.My grandparents lived at number 5 so My sister and myself were there alot when we were kids.

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can you remember mr senior sports teacher the strict mr brightmoor and the gardening teacher mr mason and the sheep called hawkins the english teacher miss salveta her classroom was very smelly she used to give everybody bisquits i left in 1969 full of bisquits


when i was there mrs salvita used to feed this dog it used to lay under her desk untill mr birch found out and fobed it i left in 1967 i used to love eating her bisquits she was the best

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Hi, have just come across this site, it certainly stirs the memory. I left Colley in '66. The teachers names mentioned in other threads ring a bell. From memory in the long corridor 12 rooms I think, room 1 Mr. Mason (gardening); 2 Mr. Holding (English); 3 Mr. Barnes (French) - now living in France I wish I'd paid more attention; 4 can't remember; 5 Mr. Brightmore (maths); 6 Mr. Burgin (maths); 6A Mr. Ollerenshaw (RE); 7 Mrs Moore (history); 8 Mr Mellor (geography); 9 & 10 can't remember; 11 Mrs Piper (music); 12 typyist training.

Plus:- Lab A - Mr. Gibbs; Lab B - Mr Ollerenshaw; Art (in the three block) Miss Cooper; woodwork - Mr. Crowe; metalwork - Mr. Schofield:

Head - Mr. Birch; deputy - Mr. Shaw; as I recall our pe teachers changed just about every year, first Mr Copley, next two I can't remember finishing with Mr. Seymour - I think.

One of the two pe teachers I can't remember instigated a camping trip to Barmouth, '63 I think (boys only); followed in '64 by a mixed trip to same place. Fellow pupils of the time were Colin Gregory, Chris Holroyd, Chris Holton, Tony Reith, Dave Hutchinson, Hazel Marsden, John Foster, Joy Nichols, Rodney Bailey, Stewart Saxton, Barbara Bell et al. The mist of time cloud the memory banks.

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