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How much of a military threat is Russia really?

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4..The connection i refer to is, there seems to be a theme running that we have to take control of other countries to bring them freedom and democracy from a tyrant (whilst we loot their country of oil) and install a puppet dictatorship..


i honestly believe ISIS is just a smokescreen, just an excuse to get involved over there..when the Russians were destroying ISIS, Turkey who are supposed to be our allies were quite happy to shoot at the Russian planes..(and buy isis oil)..now if we really wanted ISIS destroyed, why didnt we just let the Russians get on with it? from what i understand, we refused an offer from the Russians to collaborate our intelligence and make a concerted effort to attack ISIS in a joint effort..Why?

After the Russians started to attack ISIS on a serious scale, we then saw USA planes target ISIS tankers taking oil across the desert, why in the name of god wasnt this done before? it looked to me like the USA were thinking "we're not looking serious here, and we had better look like we are doing something"...

Nope, it doesnt add up to me



So where are we looting the oil from in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya?

Where are the puppet dictatorships?



If you actually read up, then you will see Russias only interest isnt protecting civilians it is keeping Assad in power, thus the majority of its strikes have not been against ISIS, but the opposition to Assad.


Again if you do your research you will see that it was the US who were conducting the strikes against ISIS and at that stage they were fighting for places like Kobani.


If you dont do the research then am afraid nothing will ever add up for you.


Yes ofc ISIS are a smokescreen and they havent attempted to attack the west or destabilised the region at all..... We should have left the nice terrorists alone so they cna get on carrying out their business of expanding the caliphate and their next attacks.

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The west and nato have much to answer for.

They continually have armed the Jihadists. turned a blind eye to the foreign recruits going through Turkey.

Allied themselves with the biggest propagators of Extremism and Wahabism in the Saudi and gcc states..

All their middle east imperialist interventions are at the behest of fuel supply and isreal. All the while creating terror via the likes of ahrar ash sham, an nusra, daaesh and the like causing havoc for the people 'over there'

Edited by WestTinsley
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The west and nato have much to answer for.

They continually have armed the Jihadists. turned a blind eye to the foreign recruits going through Turkey.

Allied themselves with the biggest propagators of Extremism and Wahabism in the Saudi and gcc states..

All their middle east imperialist interventions are at the behest of fuel supply and isreal. All the while creating terror via the likes ahrar ash sham, an nusra, daaesh and other such groups causing havoc over there


Spot on! :thumbsup:

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So where are we looting the oil from in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya?

Where are the puppet dictatorships?



If you actually read up, then you will see Russias only interest isnt protecting civilians it is keeping Assad in power, thus the majority of its strikes have not been against ISIS, but the opposition to Assad.


Again if you do your research you will see that it was the US who were conducting the strikes against ISIS and at that stage they were fighting for places like Kobani.


If you dont do the research then am afraid nothing will ever add up for you.


Yes ofc ISIS are a smokescreen and they havent attempted to attack the west or destabilised the region at all..... We should have left the nice terrorists alone so they cna get on carrying out their business of expanding the caliphate and their next attacks.


".During the ten years of violent occupation more than 1.5 million Iraqi have been killed, eight hundred thousand are missing, four million were forced to migrate outside Iraq and two million inside Iraq".


The American occupation imported corrupt politicians, who decided to commit further crimes to end their political opponents through their corrupt judicial system, while getting wealthy and rich..............




from what i understand

There was a plan for two gas pipelines from Qatar, one which was to pass up through Syria to the Mediterranean and the other through Syria and up through Turkey.

The idea was to break Russia's hold over mainland Europe as its only gas supply. Putin has previously threatened to turn the gas off.

Assad had agreed to the pipelines passing through Syria, but then Putin started to lean on him to remove his permission as Russia would lose gas revenues and geopolitical control over Europe.

its all about power and control, nothing to do with liberating Syrians, why did all the leaders of the west, including our own David Cameron, keep saying "Assad must go"...it was to gain control of that country, nothing to do with liberation


as for getting rid of Gaddafi and giving the people freedom...

..............What was NATO's violent intervention in Libya really all about? Now we know, writes Ellen Brown, thanks to Hillary Clinton's recently published emails. It was to prevent the creation of an independent hard currency in Africa that would free the continent from economic bondage under the dollar, the IMF and the French African franc, shaking off the last heavy chains of colonial exploitation..............


Edited by banjodeano
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