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The BBC Xmas montage

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Homosexuality has been legal in the UK for 49 years. The first on screen gay kiss was broadcast just under 30 years ago.



Lawful it may be, compulsory it isn't.

As to the question of whether I'd have been of the same opinion had the scene featured two females kissing, yes, I'd have felt the same.

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I am part of the forty plus age group and i have a struggle coming to terms with same sex adverts on tv.


I'm also 40+ but I have no problem with it, in fact I'm pleased that such bigotry is dying to such an extent that its even on TV without most batting an eyelid in disgust.

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Because it's not normal,to be honest they don't bother me but I don't want it shoving in my face.


Says who??


The law says it is. Scientists and academics say it is. The historians say it is. Civilised society says it is. Jesus Christ, even some religious institutions whose entire existence is based upon on a mythical sky being are saying it is.


To be frank until people like you accept that it is normal it should be shoved in your face every day.


The controversy and debate which has arisen on this subject I find absolutely disgusting. Worse still, I would bet my house that rather than just running the bloody advert without a care in the world, the BBC would have had no choice but to sit in meeting after meeting discussing this very subject before having to make a formal decision on whether they "risk" broadcasting it.


All this fuss just because a few moronic dinosaurs still find the image of same sex anything to be shocking.


Its absolutely pathetic and makes me sick that attitudes like this are still around after 50 years of legality and centuries of it being a proven natural human and animal behaviour.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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