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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ? And what will be its consequences ?


Well there`s Brexit (or just as significantly the way the country is going after the referendum).

There`s Trump ( I still can`t quite believe that one.....).

There`s Putin (though I accept Russia has always been rather nationalist).

There`s the fact the far right came close in the Austria presidential elections.

There`s the continued rise of the far right in France (fortunately their electoral system should keep the facists out there).

How many examples do you want ?


I don`t mind admitting I`m worried.

I reckon at best we`ll all be worse off, there are as many economic theories as there are economists, but the one thing they all agree on is free trade increases wealth. Votes for populistic nationalists are thought to be a reaction against globalisation and/or automation, but there`s nothing you can do about either of those, not without being poorer than we were before.....

At worst it could end in a war, nearly all wars are caused by nationalism, WWII being the most frightening example.


16 Mar 17


Dutch stop Nationalistic Populism in its tracks !

Edited by Justin Smith
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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ? And what will be its consequences ?


Well there`s Brexit (or just as significantly the way the country is going after the referendum).

There`s Trump ( I still can`t quite believe that one.....).

There`s Putin (though I accept Russia has always been rather nationalist).

There`s the fact the far right came close in the Austria presidential elections.

There`s the continued rise of the far right in France (fortunately their electoral system should keep the facists out there).

How many examples do you want ?


I don`t mind admitting I`m worried.

I reckon at best we`ll all be worse off, there are as many economic theories as there are economists, but the one thing they all agree on is free trade increases wealth. Votes for populistic nationalists are thought to be a reaction against globalisation, but there`s nothing you can do about the latter, not without being poorer than we were before.....

At worst it could end in a war, nearly all wars are caused by nationalism, WWII being the most frightening example.


You forget to mention the Scottish National Party. Trump just wants the best for the American people and in Europe normal people are just tired and lost patience with the EU and what it has turned into.


There is more to worry about with the on going threat of terrorism, than the inevitable break up of the EU in its current form.

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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ? And what will be its consequences ?


Well there`s Brexit (or just as significantly the way the country is going after the referendum).

There`s Trump ( I still can`t quite believe that one.....).

There`s Putin (though I accept Russia has always been rather nationalist).

There`s the fact the far right came close in the Austria presidential elections.

There`s the continued rise of the far right in France (fortunately their electoral system should keep the facists out there).

How many examples do you want ?


I don`t mind admitting I`m worried.

I reckon at best we`ll all be worse off, there are as many economic theories as there are economists, but the one thing they all agree on is free trade increases wealth. Votes for populistic nationalists are thought to be a reaction against globalisation, but there`s nothing you can do about the latter, not without being poorer than we were before.....

At worst it could end in a war, nearly all wars are caused by nationalism, WWII being the most frightening example.


But surely on the flip side Labour have Jeremy Corbyn.

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Justin, I think it will end as soon as it started to be honest. Each country might have 1 term of a 'populist' (for some reason the media seem to be using this term to mean slightly racist nationalist parties) party or a referendum/vote along similar lines, but then when nothing changes for the average guy on the street they will become disillusioned with being disillusioned if you follow and will return in dribs and drabs back to the mainstream parties once more. Us humans are a boring lot, we almost always return to the safe middle on nearly anything, it's kept us alive for millennia, and politics is not immune.


My suggestion is just to lalalala your way through the next few years reminding yourself that the most important things in our lives are not shaped by bonkers politicians, your family and friends will still be there tomorrow and the day after that, and if we all just reduce our worlds down the really important day to day interactions and let the world do it's own thing in the interim then everything will be just fine.

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Justin, I think it will end as soon as it started to be honest. Each country might have 1 term of a 'populist' (for some reason the media seem to be using this term to mean slightly racist nationalist parties) party or a referendum/vote along similar lines, but then when nothing changes for the average guy on the street they will become disillusioned with being disillusioned if you follow and will return in dribs and drabs back to the mainstream parties once more. Us humans are a boring lot, we almost always return to the safe middle on nearly anything, it's kept us alive for millennia, and politics is not immune.


My suggestion is just to lalalala your way through the next few years reminding yourself that the most important things in our lives are not shaped by bonkers politicians, your family and friends will still be there tomorrow and the day after that, and if we all just reduce our worlds down the really important day to day interactions and let the world do it's own thing in the interim then everything will be just fine.


But in the meantime a couple of countries could ditch the single currency and the Euro could collapse, and a couple of countries could follow Britain out of the EU and the EU could collapse.

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You forget to mention the Scottish National Party. Trump just wants the best for the American people and in Europe normal people are just tired and lost patience with the EU and what it has turned into.


There is more to worry about with the on going threat of terrorism, than the inevitable break up of the EU in its current form.


The Scottish Nationalists are an interesting case. It`s difficult to argue they aren`t nationalistic, but they aren`t in the same kind of right wing anti immigrant less internationalism mould that most nationalistic parties are.


To be frank, I`m not that bothered about terrorism, why should I be ? The chances of it affecting me, and in fact most people, is very very small. Talk about loads of smoke from not very much fire.....


---------- Post added 06-12-2016 at 10:07 ----------


Justin, I think it will end as soon as it started to be honest. Each country might have 1 term of a 'populist' (for some reason the media seem to be using this term to mean slightly racist nationalist parties) party or a referendum/vote along similar lines, but then when nothing changes for the average guy on the street they will become disillusioned with being disillusioned if you follow and will return in dribs and drabs back to the mainstream parties once more. Us humans are a boring lot, we almost always return to the safe middle on nearly anything, it's kept us alive for millennia, and politics is not immune.


My suggestion is just to lalalala your way through the next few years reminding yourself that the most important things in our lives are not shaped by bonkers politicians, your family and friends will still be there tomorrow and the day after that, and if we all just reduce our worlds down the really important day to day interactions and let the world do it's own thing in the interim then everything will be just fine.


An excellent piece of advice. I hope you`re right, you may well be.

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The Scottish Nationalists are an interesting case. It`s difficult to argue they aren`t nationalistic, but they aren`t in the same kind of right wing anti immigrant less internationalism mould that most nationalistic parties are.


To be frank, I`m not that bothered about terrorism, why should I be ? The chances of it affecting me, and in fact most people, is very very small. Talk about loads of smoke from not very much fire......

With respect that is a selfish attitude. However, we are all affected by terrorism in some way, which for most of us is mild inconvenience, but more catastrophic for too many.

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But in the meantime a couple of countries could ditch the single currency and the Euro could collapse, and a couple of countries could follow Britain out of the EU and the EU could collapse.


And? Do you have a crystal ball to predict what that means for me? I'm not being blasé here, I just think all of us tend to get extremely het up over things that don't directly affect us.


At the moment there are so many negative (to me) things going on around the world, most of which I have zero control over, that to be stressed about them or trying to work them out would just leave me totally frazzled, therefore I've made a conscious decision to focus on the stuff that really does affect me day to day. Trump does not. Brexit does not. Ok, both might make a small direct difference to me perhaps in terms of financial planning, job security, odds of me visiting the US for a holiday in the next 5 years but none of those things affect me more than being able to enjoy time with my friends and family and nothing has changed that. If I spend my time being stressed about the state of theworld then that might actually affect my world more.


Hope that makes sense?

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My suggestion is just to lalalala your way through the next few years reminding yourself that the most important things in our lives are not shaped by bonkers politicians, your family and friends will still be there tomorrow and the day after that, and if we all just reduce our worlds down the really important day to day interactions and let the world do it's own thing in the interim then everything will be just fine.


Well, I agree with this:)

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