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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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Well, last time I saw nationalism and hate getting out

of hand was 25 years ago in Croatia, and it was a bloodbath. So, I hope no, it won't get out of hand.

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Mass immigration, Isis terrorist attacks, and you wonder why people are voting for the far right. Solve theses problems and you might stop the rise of the far right parties.

The leaders of the far right party tend to be charismatic and strong leaders also good at public speaking and saying what a lot of people are thinking but are to frightened to say because of political correctness.

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No evidence has ever been provide to show that that is the case and because of secrecy laws we will never know.




If the intelligence was that good then British Intelligence should have alerted the world before the crash not after.


Its been shown time and time again that intelligence sources have lied to the UK and USA for profit and could not be trusted. Look no further than the Iraq war and after to confirm that.

Ok, do you think when British authorities learnt as a consequence of chatter intelligence after the Russian plane crash, they should have kept quiet and put other Russian and British holidaymakers at risk from terrorist attacks initiated in Egypt ?


British intelligence was the first to work out what caused the Russian plane crash, which in my book made them better than other Nation's intelligence regarding that terrorist attack.

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British intelligence was the first to work out what caused the Russian plane crash, which in my book made them better than other Nation's intelligence regarding that terrorist attack.


All I can find is that UK security service advisors stated they suspected someone had access to the aircraft baggage compartment and planted a bomb before the plane took off. Intelligence information from Britain was then passed to the Russians indicating the plane was blown up. It was already known that an explosion occurred on board but where was only discovered after the debris was reconstructed in Cairo.

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Either English is your first language or English is not your first language. A yes or no answer to whether English is your first language, will clear up any misunderstanding, that I may have or might not have.
I'm still failing to understand your point I'm afraid.


How is the fact that English is my first language or not, relevant to your posting:

I suspect English is not your first language, but why do you have an issue with good people who have genuine concerns about terrorism and wish no harm to be inflicted on their neighbours or fellow citizens ?
based on this:

With all this latest talk of terrorism in France (and/or elsewhere), the debate is in danger of losing its focus about nationalistic populism.


And nationalistic populism exploits terrorism about as much as the terrorists' political masters do. And, I'd argue, more insidiously so.



There's no logical link that I can see or understand.

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What does that have to do with the price of fish?

Nothing to do with the EU fisheries policy. Perhaps, I am confusing LOOb with another member, who made a post on a different thread, saying they were from an EU country and had lived in the UK for a long time. LOOb seems to be the most pro EU poster and I just had a theory, that was partly due to them being born on mainland Europe.

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Nothing to do with the EU fisheries policy. Perhaps, I am confusing LOOb with another member, who made a post on a different thread, saying they were from an EU country and had lived in the UK for a long time. LOOb seems to be the most pro EU poster and I just had a theory, that was partly due to them being born on mainland Europe.

And my being pro EU or anti EU and being from outside tbe UK or not, that has to do with my post refocusing the debate onto populism how, exactly?


Still not seeing your logic here. Let's hear your "theory" then.

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Justin, I think it will end as soon as it started to be honest. Each country might have 1 term of a 'populist' (for some reason the media seem to be using this term to mean slightly racist nationalist parties) party or a referendum/vote along similar lines, but then when nothing changes for the average guy on the street they will become disillusioned with being disillusioned if you follow and will return in dribs and drabs back to the mainstream parties once more. Us humans are a boring lot, we almost always return to the safe middle on nearly anything, it's kept us alive for millennia, and politics is not immune.


My suggestion is just to lalalala your way through the next few years reminding yourself that the most important things in our lives are not shaped by bonkers politicians, your family and friends will still be there tomorrow and the day after that, and if we all just reduce our worlds down the really important day to day interactions and let the world do it's own thing in the interim then everything will be just fine.


Don`t get me wrong, I still think this is excellent advice. The slight problem being it`d work better for an "unfortunate" General Election result. That can be put right within 5 years. This Brexit perfect storm can`t, in fact (rather illogically) the Leavers are all saying that another vote under any circumstances would be "undemocratic, and could "lead to rioting in the streets". The latter is what Farage said wasn`t it ?


---------- Post added 09-12-2016 at 10:30 ----------


Nothing to do with the EU fisheries policy. Perhaps, I am confusing LOOb with another member, who made a post on a different thread, saying they were from an EU country and had lived in the UK for a long time. LOOb seems to be the most pro EU poster and I just had a theory, that was partly due to them being born on mainland Europe.


I have a theory, I`d be genuinely interested to know how accurate it is. Supporters of populist nationalism and (indeed Brexit) probably haven`t done as much travelling (on the average) as those who take the opposite political view. What is it they say, "travel broadens the mind". I do wonder whether (paid for) travel for school kids should be made part of the curriculum. And I`m only half joking......

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Nothing to do with the EU fisheries policy. Perhaps, I am confusing LOOb with another member, who made a post on a different thread, saying they were from an EU country and had lived in the UK for a long time. LOOb seems to be the most pro EU poster and I just had a theory, that was partly due to them being born on mainland Europe.


The question "And what does that have to do with the price of fish?" has nothing to do with fish. I'ts a way of saying "does what you are asking have any relevance to the topic."

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