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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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oh dear.

you do know that fascism is capitalist .


No it really isn't.


Facism is authoritarian one-party nationalism. It makes no requirements to the economic model - in fact it's approach to autarky advocates a planned mixed economy very far from any real form of true capitalism.

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The question "And what does that have to do with the price of fish?" has nothing to do with fish. I'ts a way of saying "does what you are asking have any relevance to the topic."

Nothing to do with Grimsby fish coming from Iceland, via Humberside airport then.

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Don`t get me wrong, I still think this is excellent advice. The slight problem being it`d work better for an "unfortunate" General Election result. That can be put right within 5 years. This Brexit perfect storm can`t, in fact (rather illogically) the Leavers are all saying that another vote under any circumstances would be "undemocratic, and could "lead to rioting in the streets". The latter is what Farage said wasn`t it ?


---------- Post added 09-12-2016 at 10:30 ----------



I have a theory, I`d be genuinely interested to know how accurate it is. Supporters of populist nationalism and (indeed Brexit) probably haven`t done as much travelling (on the average) as those who take the opposite political view. What is it they say, "travel broadens the mind". I do wonder whether (paid for) travel for school kids should be made part of the curriculum. And I`m only half joking......


Not everyone wants to travel, I'm more than happy staying in this country and relaxing on a Greek/Spanish beach for a few weeks a year or maybe a few days in a European city. If being out of the EU makes that more expensive then that's a pill I'll gladly swallow and I'll make my relaxing beach holiday in the USA


---------- Post added 10-12-2016 at 08:10 ----------


They also tend to be morally sick individuals who promote rape, race hate and murder, so best to oppose them at every opportunity.


It's hard to respond to you sometimes halibut...

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Mass immigration, Isis terrorist attacks, and you wonder why people are voting for the far right. Solve theses problems and you might stop the rise of the far right parties.

The leaders of the far right party tend to be charismatic and strong leaders also good at public speaking and saying what a lot of people are thinking but are to frightened to say because of political correctness.


Those " charismatic" leaders just say what people wanna hear, its called manipulation and its one of oldest trick in the book.

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Those " charismatic" leaders just say what people wanna hear, its called manipulation and its one of oldest trick in the book.


It's all about dividing the population too.


Farage has categorised leave voters as decent normal people. The inference is that the remain voters are somehow not decent and not normal.


It goes further still. People, judges etc... who oppose Brexit or even accept it while rejecting extreme forms of it are now described as enemies of the people, or 'immoral'. It has opened up the judges, for example, for attacks on their sexual preferences and questions about their personal wealth with inferences it is somehow ill-gotten.


This goes beyond populism, these are hallmarks of an anti-democratic totalitarian approach.


A lot was said about sovereignty during the referendum campaign. People made the assumption that meant returning sovereign power to parliament but we've seen since how happy swathes of leave voters are to allow that concept to be subverted, how happy they are for that sovereign power to be exercised by a small executive clique without reference to parliament.


Recently we have seen glimpses of how leading advocates of Brexit would revise regulation and worker protection in this country with Rees-Mogg arguing that we could strip back regulation and control to levels they have in India. This would be utterly catastrophic for the UK population. It would create a massive army of workers with few rights, low pay and no power. It would make people very easy to control.


So people ask how far this has to go? A long long way is the answer. Yet people who are supporting all this, driven by hate-mongering right wing media, bcan't see what is going on. They don't realise what is coming down the line.


And we shouldn't forget of course that the right wing media driving all this haven't been shy about being supporters of and apologists for totalitarian regime in the past.

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You might well be right, the only thing is it would have to be white against white or we will have the race war that the Infamous Satanists, ISIS/Daesh want.


If complete tools like Farage insist on standing in front of racist posters then we edge ever closer.

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A bit of an about face, long overdue in my opinion. The ban is only the same as the motorcycle helmet rule. I would not expect a teacher to wear a face veil or a medical practitioner or anyone else for that matter unless there was freezing weather or a dust storm. These things came about due to adverse environmental conditions. I cover my lower face if it is freezing, but uncover when I enter a shop or get on a public transport vehicle.

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Some countries in Europe have started to ban this horrible full face veil. I suspect Merkel is talking about it because of the rise in nationalistic far right groups in Germany.

I can't see the UK banning it. They have not got the guts to do it. They would be to frightened of the Muslim council.

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