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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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Perhaps, Andy1976 should look on Wikipedia, to see if there is any information on how near France is located to the UK.


It was a carefully selected and highly disingenuous statistic designed to prove that which was obviously false. It could have been demolished in several ways.

The UK may have had 6 years free from a major attack, but our brothers and sisters across the channel most certainly have not.

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Ask a Frenchman.


Even in France I bet you`re probably hundreds of times more likely to get killed in a car crash.

People who let their vote get influenced by fear of terrorism are committing two errors

1 - They`re statistically way off beam

2 - They`re doing exactly what the terrorists want them to do.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Even in France I bet you`re probably hundreds of times more likely to get killed in a car crash.


That doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about it. Chances of getting AIDs are pretty low but I suspect most people use a condom...


However, any response needs to be proportional, so using a condom doesn't stop you having sex therefore it's probably sensible in most cases. Stopping having sex in case you get AIDs is clearly not a proportional response to the risk. Treat the risk from terrorism in the same way and we'll be fine. i.e. remove airport security controls!

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Even in France I bet you`re probably hundreds of times more likely to get killed in a car crash.

People who let their vote get influenced by fear of terrorism are committing two errors

1 - They`re statistically way off beam

2 - They`re doing exactly what the terrorists want them to do.

Following your same logic, then when you go to bed tonight, then don't bother locking your house doors and leave the keys in your car as you are probably hundreds of more times likely to break a nail, than being burgled or having your car stolen.

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With all this latest talk of terrorism in France (and/or elsewhere), the debate is in danger of losing its focus about nationalistic populism.


And nationalistic populism exploits terrorism about as much as the terrorists' political masters do. And, I'd argue, more insidiously so.

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With all this latest talk of terrorism in France (and/or elsewhere), the debate is in danger of losing its focus about nationalistic populism.


And nationalistic populism exploits terrorism about as much as the terrorists' political masters do. And, I'd argue, more insidiously so.

I suspect English is not your first language, but why do you have an issue with good people who have genuine concerns about terrorism and wish no harm to be inflicted on their neighbours or fellow citizens ?

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Justin Smith ,


The extreme right might be labouring under the illusion that they are going to have it all their own way. That's not how politics works. Multiculturalism , tolerance,internationalism and liberalism are not dead. Such principles have to be fought for. "Lotta Continua " (The struggle continues ).

Edited by petemcewan
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Following your same logic, then when you go to bed tonight, then don't bother locking your house doors and leave the keys in your car as you are probably hundreds of more times likely to break a nail, than being burgled or having your car stolen.


Don`t get me on that one, the wife and I have different attitudes to it. It`s all about proportionality. I try to remember to lock my car, but I`m not that upset if I found I`ve forgotten. If I remembered whilst in bed I wouldn`t, for instance, get changed back into my clothes to go outside and lock it. Quite apart from anything it`s got nothing in it worth stealing and it`s got an immobiliser.


---------- Post added 06-12-2016 at 16:27 ----------


I suspect English is not your first language, but why do you have an issue with good people who have genuine concerns about terrorism and wish no harm to be inflicted on their neighbours or fellow citizens ?


Who said anyone had an issue with them ? I`ve only got an issue with them if they let it affect their vote and UKIP or similar get in !

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I suspect English is not your first language, but why do you have an issue with good people who have genuine concerns about terrorism and wish no harm to be inflicted on their neighbours or fellow citizens ?
Do you mind belabouring your point a bit, for my benefit?


Because I have absolutely no idea how you got that from my post.

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