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How far will the rise of nationalistic populism go ?

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Thanks for the updates L00b. I'd like to know more about European politics but our UK news is pretty parochial and we only get snippets here and there.
There's a lot more than European politics which UK news is pretty parochial about (and if only that was the only crime which one could indict them on), but well...bygones.

Has Juppe said why he's not running?
Right after losing the conservative primaries to Fillon, and since, he's consistently said (before the Fillon scandals surfaced) that he wouldn't want run as the right's second-best choice or 'spare wheel'.




But then, since the Fillon scandals have taken a strong hold, his close entourage has been quoted a few times, by several respected journalists, as saying that he stood ready to fill in Fillon's shoes, so that the right would have a more credible contender than Fillon and Marine.


He's still got time, even though he's not run the first televised debate. As with everything, ain't over 'til it's over.


Then again, he'll still be of age to run the next one in 5 years' time, and may be thinking it best to let Macron overpromise/underdeliver and break his young teeth against 'the system', and end up doing a Hollande :)

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I would agree that UK media coverage has been abysmal for all the time we've been in it, in more than just the accepted theme of "Oh it's all the fault of Murdoch and the Daily Mail".


I think it's a cultural thing. The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate. The big people decide things and once we were in the EEC as was, there was no point bothering to inform the public of anything as we were never going to leave anyway. So when we came to an (unexpected) referendum we were possibly the worst informed electorate ever.


Anyway re the Presidential election I would agree that Macron looks the most likely so far, but it's hard to judge how he may do given the times we are living in.

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I would agree that UK media coverage has been abysmal for all the time we've been in it, in more than just the accepted theme of "Oh it's all the fault of Murdoch and the Daily Mail".


I think it's a cultural thing. The rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate. The big people decide things and once we were in the EEC as was, there was no point bothering to inform the public of anything as we were never going to leave anyway. So when we came to an (unexpected) referendum we were possibly the worst informed electorate ever.


Anyway re the Presidential election I would agree that Macron looks the most likely so far, but it's hard to judge how he may do given the times we are living in.


*My bold


That's a bit easy, to fall back on the old class war cliche.

Papers are in business to sell and the kind of detail you seem to want would have put them out of business in quick time. The readership of any of the Pop's, let alone the Daily Mail, don't want that kind of publication?


However, large sections of those readership's are starting to be informed by the hard lessons of living the results of Brexit.


Will they believe the rabble rousing, jingoistic and prejudiced ranting a second time? I hope not.

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Well done to the Macron team for showing the Putin press where to go with their fake news.



Emmanuel Macron’s campaign team bans Russian news outlets from events

Russia accuses French presidential candidate of discrimination after spokesman confirmed Sputnik news agency and RT TV channel were denied access

Edited by chalga
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