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Carney 15m jobs to go in UK due to automation

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Most Open university courses are now online as are GCSE courses for children trying to improve their results. There are numerous online courses to help students in education. These are free and cheaper than a private tutor. Considering the number of teachers leaving the profession, it won't be long before these online courses are used in schools as a substitute for teachers.


I'm not a teacher at all, but I still think that's another area where the human touch will always be required.

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Robots are building cars to supermarket check-out machines.

Soon we will have driverless cars which will mean the end of couriers and cab drivers. The distribution of wealth will get worse as only big corporations make money. More people will become poorer. If we can not work what hope of a decent life?

Could a robot take over your job?




I was listening to a programme on R4 which basically said that Trump got in (and indeed the rise of popular nationalism) because of automation. It was explaining that far more relatively well paid jobs were lost to automation than to immigration. The bit in italics is very significant, the US may have relatively low levels of unemployment, but too many people feel they`re not earning very much......

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Most Open university courses are now online as are GCSE courses for children trying to improve their results. There are numerous online courses to help students in education. These are free and cheaper than a private tutor. Considering the number of teachers leaving the profession, it won't be long before these online courses are used in schools as a substitute for teachers.


---------- Post added 06-12-2016 at 13:55 ----------



You obviously didn't read the link in my first post. Carney states that All accountancy jobs will be abolished!


Oooops. Well there goes my joke. Damn it. :mad:


In all seriousness, we need a plan to deal with automation, because unless we do something, we will indeed have millions of people out of work with nothing to replace it and the world is in a bad enough mess as it is without an extra 15 million suddenly poor, confused and angry people trying to roll back change.

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Robots are building cars to supermarket check-out machines.

Soon we will have driverless cars which will mean the end of couriers and cab drivers. The distribution of wealth will get worse as only big corporations make money. More people will become poorer. If we can not work what hope of a decent life?

Could a robot take over your job?




Robots don't buy goods. Neither do people without money.


There will have to be some redistribution of wealth or commerce as we know it will come to an end.

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Robots don't buy goods. Neither do people without money.


There will have to be some redistribution of wealth or commerce as we know it will come to an end.


200 years ago most people were employed in fields and such. The worked very long hours for just barely enough to survive on for a few decades. Automation and machinery brought that to an end, yet we do not operate with 90% unemployment. How do you reconcile these facts with your view of this matter?

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