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Carney 15m jobs to go in UK due to automation

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The single market is not an engine of free trade beyond Europe.


---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 10:36 ----------



Everybody gains. Why does it matter if the rich get richer as long as the poor get richer too?


It depends how you define richer. In real terms or otherwise? If in REAL terms then you are saying that the rich-poor gap must get smaller as that's how it works. If you are saying in real terms get richer, i.e. be able to buy more stuff then yes that. Although as has been said before, countries with small rich-poor gaps have lower crime and a higher happiness index, so I'm sure I am so content with the rich getting richer even if that does mean making the poor poorer (it actually makes it more likely we'd provide the minimum for all, elevating all from absolute poverty in Britain)


---------- Post added 12-12-2016 at 09:51 ----------


But the poor won't get richer will they? What's better about having your pay cut in half or being unemployed? It will need legislation and corrective taxation to make sure this happens, and a government with the will to make sure it happens, in the face of opposition from greedy Corporations.


The central point is that in the past there was little Globalisation, and Mega Corporations of comparable size to today were not in control of governments. You cannot compare the past to today - we are undergoing an unprecedented shift in power and wealth which will eventually affect everyone.


At the moment the according to the OS, every household is over £3,000 a year worse off than before the 2008 crash. That is a devastating drop for the poorest and is beginning to creep up the middle class.


Anna has a point. The SOLE aim of a business is to make money, therefore letting businesses sort themselves out simply allows them to maximise their profits. That's all well and good in a society that deserves to be back a thousand years, but we've hopefully progressed beyond that and doffing ones cap to the masters, so businesses do need legislation to ensure that a good proportion of the extra profits they get from automation goes back to the country that allows them to generate their wealth in the first place. Clearly sensible taxation is the way to go, but companies find creative ways to dodge this, meaning that we do need to change things and quickly. In fact we have the opportunity to do just that when we leave the EU, but we will? Will we bloody ********.

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