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CAMRA Response to "complaint"

Lurgh Mor

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I fail to see what CAMRA could be expected to do about an 'incident' in a pub unless the incident either involved a CAMRA official, acting in their capacity as such, acting inappropriately (members can be ejected for bringing the campaign into disrepute), or the pub was acting contrary to the law (in which case licensing and/or the police more appropriate) or CAMRA policies (e.g. passing off keg beer as cask). In the latter case there's not a great deal CAMRA could do immediately anyway, about the harshest sanction would be exclusion from the next good beer guide.


CAMRA certainly have no jurisdiction, means, nor desire to do anything about the actions of customers

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Didn't you know that, now CAMRA have discovered they can get away with talking about things they know little about, such as modern kegged and craft beers and what actually constitutes a 'good pub', they can now involve themselves in everything. I understand that, in light of Government's refusal to conduct an inquiry into Orgreave, they are going to run one of their own...

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