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CAMRA Response to "complaint"

Lurgh Mor

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Obviously I'm not Chairman these days, so it is up to Kate to handle how she sees fit.


However I will say that although CAMRA is a consumer based campaign group, it isn't there as any kind of complaint ombudsman to represent individual complaints from pub customers!


However CAMRA does promote customer friendly practices such as full measures, clearly advertised prices etc so will take any complaints they hear into account when selecting pubs for the Good Beer Guide or awards such as Pub of the Month/Season/Year if necessary, depending on the nature of the complaint.


I would also expect that Kate will as a courtesy pass the complaint on to the licencee involved and ensure said licencee is fully aware to what level the CAMRA branch considers it to be their business...

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It was a dispute between two customers, that had nothing to do with the pub, involving the plaintiff complaining (repeatedly) about another customer, then being taken aback when the licensee suggested that he, the plaintiff, might like to mind his own business and pipe down. Apparently this provoked a bemused reaction from said plaintiff, who clearly considered himself to be in the right, and promptly left no doubt already mentally drafting his letter...

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It was a dispute between two customers, that had nothing to do with the pub, involving the plaintiff complaining (repeatedly) about another customer, then being taken aback when the licensee suggested that he, the plaintiff, might like to mind his own business and pipe down. Apparently this provoked a bemused reaction from said plaintiff, who clearly considered himself to be in the right, and promptly left no doubt already mentally drafting his letter...


So it was handbags at 12 paces then?

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It was a dispute between two customers, that had nothing to do with the pub, involving the plaintiff complaining (repeatedly) about another customer, then being taken aback when the licensee suggested that he, the plaintiff, might like to mind his own business and pipe down. Apparently this provoked a bemused reaction from said plaintiff, who clearly considered himself to be in the right, and promptly left no doubt already mentally drafting his letter...


I imagine the letter started with the words 'Why, oh why...' as in many Daily Fail / Wetherspoons News letters. Both of which I read for entertainment value only you understand. Rather like this Forum... :)

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