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CAMRA Response to "complaint"

Lurgh Mor

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Thanks Jake. So hopefully that will be your last post on this thread.


A more specific CAMRA/Real Ale forum may be more appropriate if you don't fancy randoms throwing their tuppence-worth in


Jake, you didn't deserve that response from what has just entered the top 10 of poorest posts ever had to this forum and there has been a lot of competition.


Is anyone actually prepared to break ranks and tell us what this "incident" actually was, or is the thread going to be a "ha ha ha I know something the rest of you dont know" thing?


Bet you're glad you asked. Armageddon it was not.

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Jake, you didn't deserve that response from what has just entered the top 10 of poorest posts ever had to this forum and there has been a lot of competition.


Thanks. Fortunately i was more amused by the OP's reply than anything else!

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Of course it has nothing to do with CAMRA. That's the point. The complainant was upset that nobody in the pub shared his view. A pub bar is not the playground of a suburban middle school. Since he couldn't run crying to the head, he said he would be making a formal complaint to CAMRA! He then flounced off back to Coventry. As in a sitcom the six people remaining exchanged glances and then the next sound can be best described as a communal guffaw!

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Of course it has nothing to do with CAMRA. That's the point. The complainant was upset that nobody in the pub shared his view. A pub bar is not the playground of a suburban middle school. Since he couldn't run crying to the head, he said he would be making a formal complaint to CAMRA! He then flounced off back to Coventry. As in a sitcom the six people remaining exchanged glances and then the next sound can be best described as a communal guffaw!


Why did you bite Jake's head off when he made a reasonable post on this thread?

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I find it quite amusing just how many CAMRA members think that being a member gives them special rights and/or knowledge. 'I'm a camra member so I should get a discount in a pub I'm visiting for the first time ever and pay less than someone in every night'. 'That beer's not right. I know these things, I'm in CAMRA'.


(note - that is not intended in any way as a dig at camra itself!)

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Didn't you know that, now CAMRA have discovered they can get away with talking about things they know little about, such as modern kegged and craft beers and what actually constitutes a 'good pub', they can now involve themselves in everything. I understand that, in light of Government's refusal to conduct an inquiry into Orgreave, they are going to run one of their own...


Can't possibly be any worse then Sheffield City Council! :P

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