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Are fog lights necessary?

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You will end up failing if you do. Always set the handbrake unless you are about to set off again...




Ah yes, my bad. It was use the handbrake but put the car in first gear with clutch down to reduce the pressure on students when the lights change. This caused my dad much consternation as he was convinced it would wear the clutch out.

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Ah yes, my bad. It was use the handbrake but put the car in first gear with clutch down to reduce the pressure on students when the lights change. This caused my dad much consternation as he was convinced it would wear the clutch out.


It wont be very good for the release bearing that!

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Like the folks who sit at traffic lights indicators flashing, foot on footbrake......


What's wrong with indicating sat at the traffic lights? Obviously if you're miles from the junction its a bit excessive.

There could be a cyclist or motorcyclist filtering to the front of the queue, and he/she won't know it's unsafe to pass you.

I do use my handbrake in traffic, but not religiously. I can't say I've ever had issues being dazzled by a preceding car's brake lights. Headlights yes, but not rear/brake lights, and my vision is worse at night.

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My point being dazzling the car behind when it is dark....ok, make your intentions known, but then please cancel them until the lights change and you can move off.


Safer to leave your indicators on, you don't know when a cyclist might arrive in the queue and filter to the front. I don't think an indicator dazzles anybody behind.


I agree with your point about brake lights though.

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My point being dazzling the car behind when it is dark....ok, make your intentions known, but then please cancel them until the lights change and you can move off.


This could be misleading to a cyclist who arrives after you have turned your indicator off, and expects you to be travelling straight on. Cyclists won't filter down your left hand side if you are indicating left (unless they are incredibly foolish).

It could also confuse other drivers, who think you have changed your mind, and pedestrians waiting to cross the road you are turning into.

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Its in the Highway Code.


Just because you think it doesnt matter, it could for some. It is a legal duty for you to keep up to date with the Highway Code.



Eh? I was agreeing with the point of applying the handbrake, rather than using the footbrake, when stopped at a junction.


Is that not compliant with the latest edition of the Highway Code?

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