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Disappointment on supertram tonight


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Don’t blame the tram guard for limited intervention.


But they should as its their duty to stop that sort of behaviour on the tram. I have witnessed a similar incident a few weeks ago when a woman told 3 kids to stop cursing and keep their voices down. The tram conductor was stood nearby and did nothing at all, and thats probably down to not causing an incident by stopping a packed tram.

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I am so disappointed.


I was on the sheffield to meadowhall tram this evening, it was packed.


2 boys, 13-14 started swearing and talking in the most offensive way, mostly about homophobic they were.


After a couple of minutes i thought enough is enough and drew the matter to the attention of a conductor, the boys heard me do so and i wasnt bothered tbh, that they knew it was me.


The conductor did ask them to pipe down however the boys decided they were affronted by the attempted curtailment of their 'freedom of speech' and gobbed off even more. The tram then came to nunnery square and the conducter said 'im getting off now' and then did so.


The boys then loudly proclaimed their entitlement to say what they wanted and how dare 'she' meaning me, try and stop them.


I am disappointed that a blind eye was turned and realised that indeed they were entitled to say what they want because for the most part they will never be taught any different by society as it is now.


Im not a serial do gooder, i just wanted to do what i thought was the right thing and not turn a blind eye to disgusting, offensive, homophobic, ignorant 'bants'.


I will continue to challenge and stand up to these oafs, i will continue to fight this 'it's not my problem' society we live in.


Ah well.


Good on you :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I am so disappointed.


I was on the sheffield to meadowhall tram this evening, it was packed.


2 boys, 13-14 started swearing and talking in the most offensive way, mostly about homophobic they were.


After a couple of minutes i thought enough is enough and drew the matter to the attention of a conductor, the boys heard me do so and i wasnt bothered tbh, that they knew it was me.


The conductor did ask them to pipe down however the boys decided they were affronted by the attempted curtailment of their 'freedom of speech' and gobbed off even more. The tram then came to nunnery square and the conducter said 'im getting off now' and then did so.


The boys then loudly proclaimed their entitlement to say what they wanted and how dare 'she' meaning me, try and stop them.


I am disappointed that a blind eye was turned and realised that indeed they were entitled to say what they want because for the most part they will never be taught any different by society as it is now.


Im not a serial do gooder, i just wanted to do what i thought was the right thing and not turn a blind eye to disgusting, offensive, homophobic, ignorant 'bants'.


I will continue to challenge and stand up to these oafs, i will continue to fight this 'it's not my problem' society we live in.


Ah well.


Why didn't you confront them yourself, why expect the conductor to do it?

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Your Husband and i would probably get on.


so many folk turn a blind eye becasue they worry about maybe upsetting or harming the delicate little flowers.

I would have turfed them off at the next step. and explained my reasons for doing for to anyone who felt i had done wrong.


Maybe a little, I think more so people are scared of the immediate repercussions of confronting them. I think in a different world where conflict is solved with words or at the worst mano-a-mano, more would be said to people

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I would have thought so too. Sounds like the conductor simply couldn't be bothered. Too much hassle.


the conductor did do something though, he told them to pipe down but what else do you expect them to do. the only other option would be to stop the tram and wait for the police to remove them. he could of told them to get off the tram but if they refuse then their hands are tied

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Ironically the root cause of such behaviour has been caused by serial do-gooders since the late 70s when corporal punishment was abolished in schools, together with parents later on being prevented by law from disciplining their offspring.


Don’t blame the tram guard for limited intervention. Some of the 13-14 year olds would not think twice about using a knife if the guard had pursued the situation more firmly, and for the same reasons I give above.


This, all day long, is correct. It's why our prison systems don't work too.

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