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Disappointment on supertram tonight


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the conductor did do something though, he told them to pipe down but what else do you expect them to do. the only other option would be to stop the tram and wait for the police to remove them. he could of told them to get off the tram but if they refuse then their hands are tied


It's exactly what they do, as a 10 times a week tram commuter I've been on the tram when things kick off and the Police come. The conductor presses the emergency button to talk to the driver, the driver calls the Police and they turn up.


I've never seen any complaints aimed at the tram conductor for doing so either, in fact they and the Police often get a round of applause..

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It won't be the first time tram ticket collectors have turned a blind eye to violent or insulting behaviour.......but I have seen instances in the past where scrotes have kicked off on a tram and a ticket collector has intervened by stopping the tram and waiting for police support, only to be attacked and threatened by no-neck lackwits who have forced the staff to back down.


I've also been on a tram full of people singing racist songs whilst an Asian ticket collector bravely tried to collect fares only to told to eff off.


In each situation the police should be called and arrests made, but some people are in such a rush to get where they are going they'd rather side with the criminals rather than be a bit late.


---------- Post added 06-12-2016 at 21:19 ----------


This, all day long, is correct. It's why our prison systems don't work too.



:huh::huh: I thought our prison systems didn't work because they failed to rehabilitate offenders, due to treating them like scum, making them slop out, not educating them etc...are you suggesting beating people on their buttocks would make a significant difference?

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Ironically the root cause of such behaviour has been caused by serial do-gooders since the late 70s when corporal punishment was abolished in schools.....


Corporal punishment was abolished in 1987 under Thatcher who has rarely been called a do-gooder. Before then there was a lot of anti-social behaviour by teens. If you went to football matches in the 70s and 80s you'd know what I mean.

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Corporal punishment was abolished in 1987 under Thatcher who has rarely been called a do-gooder. Before then there was a lot of anti-social behaviour by teens. If you went to football matches in the 70s and 80s you'd know what I mean.


Methinks Dr Afzal is a very poor troll

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It wasn't that I 'expected' anything. I dunno, I just would have liked someone to say, 'yeah, actually you're right. We won't put up with this'. That didn't happen and it makes me feel a bit sad.


I have a 14 and 16 yr old. They're not perfect by any means but they would NEVER EVER behave like that in public and if the did, woe betide them!!!!!

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It wasn't that I 'expected' anything. I dunno, I just would have liked someone to say, 'yeah, actually you're right. We won't put up with this'. That didn't happen and it makes me feel a bit sad.


I have a 14 and 16 yr old. They're not perfect by any means but they would NEVER EVER behave like that in public and if the did, woe betide them!!!!!


Unfortunately not all parents are like you.

I may be wrong but when I see a lot of kids who are in trouble on the tv they always nearly talk to the mother and loads of times I comment where the father is.

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This, all day long, is correct. It's why our prison systems don't work too.


It's not correct in any way. So many studies have been done into this and repeatedly shown this to be absolute ********. Our prison systems do indeed work. We have one of the lowest re-offending rates in the world, far lower than countries with more 'aggressive' prison systems, but amazingly worse than countries with more 'respectful' prison systems. Fancy that.


Good on you OP for trying to get something done. And ignore most of the negative comments on here, I can totally understand why you asked the conductor to get involved rather than wading in yourself and I suspect the people having a go at you for not marching up and physically chucking them off the tram would have likely sat in embarrassed silence staring at their own feet too scared to even look at them.

Edited by sgtkate
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Guest busdriver1

There is an argument that these scrotes engage in this sort of behaviour in order to get a response and the OP duly obliged.

I certainly do not condone this sort of behaviour but do wonder what the best way to resolve it is.

Clearly the well intended actions here did not work.

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There is an argument that these scrotes engage in this sort of behaviour in order to get a response and the OP duly obliged.

I certainly do not condone this sort of behaviour but do wonder what the best way to resolve it is.

Clearly the well intended actions here did not work.


There is a better argument that if these people are challenged they will realise that their behaviour is not acceptable. Perhaps having to walk the rest of the way might have helped them realise.

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