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Disappointment on supertram tonight


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There is an argument that these scrotes engage in this sort of behaviour in order to get a response and the OP duly obliged.

I certainly do not condone this sort of behaviour but do wonder what the best way to resolve it is.

Clearly the well intended actions here did not work.


To be honest, pressing charges for threatening behaviour and assault would work. Commonly misbelief that assault requires physical contact, it does not, it actually means that you feel threatened or that there is a likelihood of physical assault. Someone loudly swearing and telling you to 'f off' is most definitely assault and perhaps if more people started making formal complaints to the police about it, especially on public transport where there would be inavoidable evidence thanks to CCTV, maybe people will start realising that they actually can't 'say what I bloody well want'...well not without a night in cell anyway.

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I am so disappointed.


I was on the sheffield to meadowhall tram this evening, it was packed.


2 boys, 13-14 started swearing and talking in the most offensive way, mostly about homophobic they were.


After a couple of minutes i thought enough is enough and drew the matter to the attention of a conductor, the boys heard me do so and i wasnt bothered tbh, that they knew it was me.


The conductor did ask them to pipe down however the boys decided they were affronted by the attempted curtailment of their 'freedom of speech' and gobbed off even more. The tram then came to nunnery square and the conducter said 'im getting off now' and then did so.


The boys then loudly proclaimed their entitlement to say what they wanted and how dare 'she' meaning me, try and stop them.


I am disappointed that a blind eye was turned and realised that indeed they were entitled to say what they want because for the most part they will never be taught any different by society as it is now.


Im not a serial do gooder, i just wanted to do what i thought was the right thing and not turn a blind eye to disgusting, offensive, homophobic, ignorant 'bants'.


I will continue to challenge and stand up to these oafs, i will continue to fight this 'it's not my problem' society we live in.


Ah well.

Bang on I always tell people to take their feet of the seats most of em look at me as though I am an alien.

The conductors more often than not ignore this disgusting practice.

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The problem with most kids nowadays is the think they are on an equal footing to adults, in fact most seem to think they are on an equal footing to their own parents.


No, then problem with most kids these days is that they have no understanding of consequence. They believe (in most cases, rightly) that they can do or say anything they like and no adult dare do or say anything to stop them for fear of repercussions.


If the little scroates were to get their come-uppance, at the hand of a peer perhaps, it may make them think twice. In a similar way to those that learn the hard way that they are not invincible when they run an unlit bike across a busy road in the dark. But other than this I have no idea what the answer is. I just hope someone does.

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There is an argument that these scrotes engage in this sort of behaviour in order to get a response and the OP duly obliged.

I certainly do not condone this sort of behaviour but do wonder what the best way to resolve it is.

Clearly the well intended actions here did not work.


I believe what you are saying is true. Some teenagers seem to make loud noises / swear and generally behave in a way that demands attention, and they seem to think it is hilarious when adults react in some way.

I don't really understand it, do they feel deprived of attention at home or school so they must create it themselves?

I tend to wear headphones on the bus so I don't have to listen to it. For some reason I seem to attract weird people on public transport, so I tend to keep myself to myself.

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Guest busdriver1
There is a better argument that if these people are challenged they will realise that their behaviour is not acceptable. Perhaps having to walk the rest of the way might have helped them realise.


My point is they are looking for the challenge, and in this case got it.

Being ejected MAY have the desired result but may just be a source of further entertainment for them. They could then get the next tram and off we go again.

Dont get me wrong, I dont claim to have an answer other than giving them a good hiding but the do gooders would be down on anyone trying that like a ton of bricks.

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My point is they are looking for the challenge, and in this case got it.

Being ejected MAY have the desired result but may just be a source of further entertainment for them. They could then get the next tram and off we go again.

Dont get me wrong, I dont claim to have an answer other than giving them a good hiding but the do gooders would be down on anyone trying that like a ton of bricks.


A lots down to parenting,my dad always said if I brought trouble home I would get a thick ear to start with,hence the police never came to our house.

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My point is they are looking for the challenge, and in this case got it.

Being ejected MAY have the desired result but may just be a source of further entertainment for them. They could then get the next tram and off we go again.

Dont get me wrong, I dont claim to have an answer other than giving them a good hiding but the do gooders would be down on anyone trying that like a ton of bricks.


Perhaps a night in the cells and a caution for hate speech?

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