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Pretending To Recycle

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I work at a place of education which deals in large government contracts.

On site we have three large skips, two for "Mixed Recyclables" and one for "General Waste".

These skips are all emptied once a week, so we produce a fair amount of waste.

When the van comes to empty the skips, all three are tipped into the same vehicle. This is a regular practice.

Am I missing something? Is there a way of sorting the rubbish from the recycling inside the lorry, or are they just pretending to recycle? The disposal company is a large one, and so if this is what they do here, then I reckon it's what they do all over.

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Some lorries have separate compartments. Some do not.

You can sometimes tell if it is separated by way they empty containers.

If they dump all in one chute or do they have two separate.

It might be also legacy feel good program.

For example waste collector changed but recycling containers stayed or such like.

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We used to have a company at one place I worked at. All the stuff was tipped into the top of a lorry, but there were several bins inside that lorry so stuff remained segregated. The driver had to make sure the right pickup bins went on the right lifting kit though lest everything got mixed up.

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I work at a place of education which deals in large government contracts.

On site we have three large skips, two for "Mixed Recyclables" and one for "General Waste".

These skips are all emptied once a week, so we produce a fair amount of waste.

When the van comes to empty the skips, all three are tipped into the same vehicle. This is a regular practice.

Am I missing something? Is there a way of sorting the rubbish from the recycling inside the lorry, or are they just pretending to recycle? The disposal company is a large one, and so if this is what they do here, then I reckon it's what they do all over.


Most council have different charges for different waste. So if you went down to the local tip with a van, general waste will have a higher charge.

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