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Theresa May's U turn

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Or it could have been quite an intelligent and shrewd move.


As the article you posted states, the motion means that Labour will now be backing the Government's timetable on Article 50.


It was also worded so that the government only need publish a 'plan' - without actually specifying what exactly this plan consists of or how detailed it need to be.


See - you can spin it both ways.

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Its great to see that May has come to her senses and listened to Corbyn, she will be nationalising the railways next..


whats your views on this embarassing U turn?


What's the weather like today in your universe?

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I see Labour still aren't as one voice either:


Labour rebels angry at the party’s Brexit tactics are planning to defy the leadership and refuse to back a government amendment to Keir Starmer’s motion calling for Theresa May to reveal her plans for negotiations on Wednesday.


Labour rebels refuse to back May's amendment to Brexit motion





Brexit: Labour accused of 'plotting to block Article 50'

Tory MPs accuse Labour of 'plotting to overturn the EU referendum' after secret recordings suggest party is still undecided on its position on Brexit



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whats your views on this embarassing U turn?
Recent surveys in the UK suggest that a large majority (from memory, something like 75%) of self-identified 'Leave' voters, polled after the referendum result was known, said that they expected Brexit to deliver immigration control. But an almost equally large majority expected the UK to continue to have access in the single market (understood as access on a substantially similar level to the current level of access: every country in the world has access to the single market, and even in the hardest of hard Brexits, the UK will have access to the single market. But I rather think that when British people say that they expect continued access to the single market, they mean access continuing on the terms that the UK currently enjoys).


Obviously, the UK will want to negotiate the most favourable access terms it can. But if negotiating objectives include (a) immigration control, (b) the UK not to be subject to EU legislation or to the rulings of the EU courts and © the UK to be free to negotiate its own trade deals and therefor not to be part of the EU customs union, that puts significant limits on the terms on which the UK can realistically hope to negotiate. Those limits mean access on terms falling well short of the terms on which the UK currently has access.


So if the above poll stats are correct, they tells us is that a large chunk of 'Leave' voters voted with the expectation of a Brexit, which they are not going to get and which, if we're honest, they were never going to get. And, to the extent that British people voted for Brexit without appreciating that this was the case, then those people are inevitably going to be disappointed.


From the government's point of view (addressing your question, now that context is set), this group of people holds expectations which simply cannot be met, and any attempt to meet them will end in failure. Voters punish governments perceived to have failed. So what the government is doing in such circumstances, is not find out what voters want, but persuade voters that what they want -what they have wanted all along- is what the government can deliver: what the British government is positioning itself to do, so much with this U-turn as other courses of action (e.g. ongoing Appeal to the Supreme Court - and more), is not to end up blamed by those people for the disappointment they will feel.

Edited by L00b
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Its great to see that May has come to her senses and listened to Corbyn, she will be nationalising the railways next..


whats your views on this embarassing U turn?

What is embarrassing for our great nation, is that too many people, don't wish to accept the democratic wishes of the people, which voted to leave the EU. The court case and other disruptive actions initiated by sore losers are not helping the UK in negotiations to leave the EU.

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What is embarrassing for our great nation, is that too many people, don't wish to accept the democratic wishes of the people, which voted to leave the EU. The court case and other disruptive actions initiated by sore losers are not helping the UK in negotiations to leave the EU.


Corbyn actually wants to leave the EU. He just has to pretend he doesn't using false claims about threats to workers' right and such.

Left to his own devices, he'd be making a fierce case for genuine Brexit.

Edited by unbeliever
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Its great to see that May has come to her senses and listened to Corbyn, she will be nationalising the railways next..


whats your views on this embarassing U turn?


NO ONE listens to comrade Corbyn , not even his own MP`s as the majority of them hate him and think he`s a useless nutjob.

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What is embarrassing for our great nation, is that too many people, don't wish to accept the democratic wishes of the people, which voted to leave the EU. The court case and other disruptive actions initiated by sore losers are not helping the UK in negotiations to leave the EU.

What gets my goat is who is footing the bill for all the pin striped suits sitting on the panel deciding how the peoples wishes should be carried out.

The Uk voted out and we should be just that no messing ,no panels , no back tracking . OUT.

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