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Theresa May's U turn

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This is transparently false. Andrew Neil on the BBC has dismantled it completely multiple times. The major players from both campaigns were crystal clear that a vote to leave on the 23rd was a vote to leave the single market.

Exactly, and if a voter wanted the UK guaranteed continued access to the single market, then they would have voted to remain in the EU, just as a voted would have voted to remain in the EU, if they wanted freedom of movement to continue.

Edited by Gamston
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This is transparently false. Andrew Neil on the BBC has dismantled it completely multiple times. The major players from both campaigns were crystal clear that a vote to leave on the 23rd was a vote to leave the single market.


doesn't this depend how you define what the single market as.


Given we're not going to accept the four freedoms then yes we'll leave the single market however, as far as I can see "single market" has become a euphemism for trading with the EU on a terms as close as possible to what we do now. The reality is that the further away we get from that position the more of the economy will be burnt. Now, the Brexiters seem to believe that the putative trade deals that liam fox is going to do with all these countries who dont already successfully trade with us are going to replace what we've lost.


Maybe eventually it will, but it almost certainly will be at the cost of employment, consumer and environmental protections and eventually the welfare state.


Plus, of course, much of the brexit, trump and all the rest seems to be, in part, a response to globalisation which kinda suggests it's going to be hard for us to do the sorts of deals which have driven globalisation forwards....

Edited by andyofborg
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doesn't this depend how you define what the single market as.


Given we're not going to accept the four freedoms then yes we'll leave the single market however, as far as I can see "single market" has become a euphemism for trading with the EU on a terms as close as possible to what we do now. The reality is that the further away we get from that position the more of the economy will be burnt. Now, the Brexiters seem to believe that the putative trade deals that liam fox is going to do with all these countries who dont already successfully trade with us are going to replace what we've lost.


Maybe eventually it will, but it almost certainly will be at the cost of employment, consumer and environmental protections and eventually the welfare state.


The definition of the single market is pretty clear. The definition of the phrase "single market access" is many and varied.

I can see that you're sceptical about the benefits of Brexit. That's fine. Unfortunately on 23rd june you were in the minority so we're leaving. Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

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The definition of the single market is pretty clear. The definition of the phrase "single market access" is many and varied.

I can see that you're sceptical about the benefits of Brexit. That's fine. Unfortunately on 23rd june you were in the minority so we're leaving. Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.


i haven't seen any benefts of brexit, i keep looking for some but i don't see any.


given, different ministers are leaking opposite stories every other day it's looking like the government doesn't either.

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The UK electorate voted in the referendum on 23rd June and their wishes should be respected by all. It's about diluting what the UK electorate voted for on June 23rd and causing maximum distruption, for the democratic wishes of the electorate being carried out. Anyone who thinks otherwise are either deluded or dishonest.


Yep, £350million a week pumped into the NHS. Go on then, you voted for it you do it. Unless you were lying.

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It seems to me, that those who voted remain, believe they have a better understanding of the thinking process of the people who voted to leave, than the leave voters themselves :huh:


Why's that? I didn't give any 'believed' reasons let alone any thought processes.


There is only one result of the referendum, and only one very simple action to be taken as a result. It can't be diluted we either do or don't. Another poster wrote "MPs voted to activate article 50 by a massive majority today." Leave voters are going to get what they voted for not more, not less. So whats your problem?


But, other decisions will flow from that one decision. I'm sure the Leavers realised that, didn't they?


We didn't vote on these subsequent decisions.


Those decisions are in the hands of a party who wanted to Remain. Lead by a person who wanted to Remain. Who was not elected by anyone let alone the British public. Should they negotiate whatever Leave terms they want with no debate in our Houses of Parliament.


Teresa May's 'U' turn is a sensible move in the interests of democracy

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Yep, £350million a week pumped into the NHS. Go on then, you voted for it you do it. Unless you were lying.

The only people who keep going on about the '£350millon' are remain voters.


After BREXIT is completed, then the UK, will be able to spend the money, which currently goes to the EU as contributions, in what way the Chancellor Of The Exchequer decides it will be spent.

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