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Accountability of Sheffield MPs who voted against brexit

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It's irrelevant how each constituency voted, because the UK referendum result was decided on total numbers of votes for each of the two options on the ballot paper. Constiencies were only used for the purpose of counting votes cast, because it would have been silly to take all the ballot papers to one location to be counted. The referendum result was a decision decided by the whole of the United Kingdom, so all MPs should respect the democratic decision of the whole of the United Kingdom and cooperate with the Government, to make sure BREXIT occurs as quickly as possible.


some one she tell the scots that

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There are millions of us who will not 'get behind brexit' as we consider it to be mostly the idea of racist xenophobic fools who have been tricked by liars and traitors.


It seems the problem here is that most of these so called intelligent people don't seem to know what racism, xenophobia or being a traitor means, and just bleat out what the rest of the sheep are bleating. BTW who are "we" in this instance and has it been polled yet?


So, you don't like democracy and it seems your "we" prefer a dictatorship or elite system where the elite rule over the poor unfortunate uneducated and unwashed. ;) Unfortunately its those that refuse to get behind Brexit that are doing the damage but remain adamant that its not them.

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So you elected your MP to be a one trick pony?

At the time of the GE brexit was not on the agenda, but you voted your MP for that reason, and that reason only?


You have a very narrow political spectrum it seems.


By the way,

There are millions of us who will not 'get behind brexit' as we consider it to be mostly the idea of racist xenophobic fools who have been tricked by liars and traitors.


So anyone who is against mass immigration is a Racist ?

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I cant see how it can be anything else as the questions put in the referendum were:


Remain a member of the European Union


Leave the European Union


By any logic Leave means just that, which also means a total break from the EU.


No it doesn`t, and you know that full well. Just because you`re in European Customs Union doesn`t mean your in the EU. But, as it happens, it just goes to show what an absolute farce the whole referendum thing was and is. It asked a very simplistic question, I`ll bet you pounds to pennies far more the 4%* of those who voted Leave didn`t even know what the single market is. It`s certain that only a minority of those who voted Leave know what the customs union is.

But a broader point is that the government has effectively said it doesn`t care a toss about, nor is not prepared to even consider, what nearly half the voters in the referendum think whilst deciding what their exit strategy will be. If the vote had been 60/40, or higher, they might have some justification for that, but it wasn`t, it was nearly 50/50. You know that`s true. And that is why, if anything, what has happened after the referendum makes me even angrier than the totally dishonest campaign before it.


* Very relevant because if 4% hadn`t bothered to vote, or half that number had voted the other way, the result would have been different,


---------- Post added 17-02-2017 at 14:28 ----------


So anyone who is against mass immigration is a Racist ?


Penny old son, just how bad does Trump`s government have to get before you think it embarrassing to have Trump as your Avatar ? What point are you trying to make with it by the way ? It`s already been pointed out to you that, for you as an English nationalist, it`s illogical.


---------- Post added 17-02-2017 at 14:30 ----------


It seems the problem here is that most of these so called intelligent people don't seem to know what racism, xenophobia or being a traitor means, and just bleat out what the rest of the sheep are bleating. BTW who are "we" in this instance and has it been polled yet?


So, you don't like democracy and it seems your "we" prefer a dictatorship or elite system where the elite rule over the poor unfortunate uneducated and unwashed. ;)Unfortunately its those that refuse to get behind Brexit that are doing the damage but remain adamant that its not them.


I`m so mad I don`t give a toss if I`m "doing any damage". The government don`t give a toss about me, why should I give a toss about them ?


By the way, what kind of democracy are we talking about ? The £350 million a week one ?

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No it doesn`t, and you know that full well. Just because you`re in European Customs Union doesn`t mean your in the EU.


Yes it does mean that but you seem to be in denial about it. BTW I never mentioned anything anything about the customs union.


By the way, what kind of democracy are we talking about ? The £350 million a week one ?


No the one where the wishes of the majority vote, which was for Leave, are carried out. A vote that has now been recognised by Parliament and will be enacted upon in a democratic way.

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There is a school of thought that says that if, by the next election, we`ve left the EU, any switching of votes could be towards the Remainers.

Think about it :


The Brexiteers have won, we`ve left, for them it`s over. What`s the point in settling scores ? It`s easy to bury the hatchet if you`ve got everything you want anyway


But to Remainers they`ve lost. To many it`ll always annoy them (or worse), it isn`t over and never will be. It`s never easy to bury the hatchet if you haven`t got anything that you want, not even a minor concession, despite the fact 48% voted remain. This is why all those please for unity and pulling together from the Brexiteers and the Govt (= the same thing) are so much ****.

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There is a school of thought that says that if, by the next election, we`ve left the EU, any switching of votes could be towards the Remainers.

Think about it :


The Brexiteers have won, we`ve left, for them it`s over. What`s the point in settling scores ? It`s easy to bury the hatchet if you`ve got everything you want anyway


But to Remainers they`ve lost. To many it`ll always annoy them (or worse), it isn`t over and never will be. It`s never easy to bury the hatchet if you haven`t got anything that you want, not even a minor concession, despite the fact 48% voted remain. This is why all those please for unity and pulling together from the Brexiteers and the Govt (= the same thing) are so much ****.


Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic.

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