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Accountability of Sheffield MPs who voted against brexit

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Wonder what the House of Lords will do now.


---------- Post added 18-02-2017 at 18:59 ----------


So anyone who is against mass immigration is a Racist ?


No, but it has been definitively proven that the vast majority of people who voted leave are less educated.

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Wonder what the House of Lords will do now.


Probable try a few amendments and then pass it like the other House did.



.. but it has been definitively proven that the vast majority of people who voted leave are less educated.


But it is also proven that better education is not necessarily a sign of intelligence.

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Probable try a few amendments and then pass it like the other House did.





But it is also proven that better education is not necessarily a sign of intelligence.


Really? Salary scales for example show no correlation to education?

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Wonder what the House of Lords will do now.


---------- Post added 18-02-2017 at 18:59 ----------



No, but it has been definitively proven that the vast majority of people who voted leave are less educated.


Less educated is a fault of the state, but it does not mean less intelegent

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I believe it is the fault of the individual. Not everything should be handed to you on a plate.


being educated is not a sign of intelligence, sometime structured education can stops free thought ( thinking out side of the box), or the EU in this case

Edited by phil752
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MP`s are supposed to work on behalf of their constituents


They're charged with doing what *they* believe, according to their own concience, is best for their constituents.


not against them.


It won't be known if she voted against their interests or not for quite some time yet.


Smith`s ward voted overwhelmingly to LEAVE the eu . Hopefully this woman will be out on her ear at the GE.


Perhaps, depends on the state of play when the election takes place ;)


What it says is that they ( myself included ) have had enough of mass immigration and meddling from the suits in Brussels, and our MP`s ignoring our concerns .


What makes you think our MP's will address your concerns now, most of the problems you mention were already under "our MP's" control before the referendum?


---------- Post added 19-02-2017 at 12:07 ----------


Less educated is a fault of the state, but it does not mean less intelegent


It certainly doesn't help though....

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They're charged with doing what *they* believe, according to their own concience, is best for their constituents.




It won't be known if she voted against their interests or not for quite some time yet.




Perhaps, depends on the state of play when the election takes place ;)




What makes you think our MP's will address your concerns now, most of the problems you mention were already under "our MP's" control before the referendum?


---------- Post added 19-02-2017 at 12:07 ----------



It certainly doesn't help though....


Help what expand

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No. It isn't. There's nothing wrong with making an arrangement on tariffs and market access. There's something very wrong with submitting our entire nation to a foreign regulatory or legal regime.


---------- Post added 15-02-2017 at 18:37 ----------



Boris Johnson said outright that we would leave the single market on national television. So did Gove and Cameron and Stuart and many others.

A few minor figures equivocating on the matter cannot balance this.


Yes and they are on YouTube, Cameron looking straight into the camera saying voting leave means leaving the single market. Osborne also. Seems as if it is the remainers who didn't understand what they were voting for:rolleyes:

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Yes and they are on YouTube, Cameron looking straight into the camera saying voting leave means leaving the single market. Osborne also. Seems as if it is the remainers who didn't understand what they were voting for:rolleyes:


That does not make sense.

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