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Accountability of Sheffield MPs who voted against brexit

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It's a binary matter. Soft Brexit is a myth.


I don`t remember the Leave campaign stressing that before the referendum. They were too busy using their media time to emphasise how much money we`d save and how much extra we could then spend on the NHS. It`ll be interesting to see just how much extra money we end up with, if any at all. I suspect it`ll be the latter once the Govt has finished compensating all those losing out by leaving the EU, e.g the farmers and Nissan et al. I wonder how many people wouldn`t have voted Leave had they known that ? What do you reckon, shall we say 10% ? That`s only one in ten, but still double the number actually needed to change the result, quadruple the number if they actually changed sides. But I can see you, and all the other Brexiteers, won`t be bothered, you`ve got what you want and that`s it, means to an end and all that ?

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We voted to leave the EU. Not half leave it. If we stay in the single market and the customs union, that's not even half leaving. More like 10% leaving.

I'll repost the bit of my post I wanted you to answer:

do you believe that everyone who voted for brexit supports turning this country into an offshore corporate tax haven

That's what brexit at any cost means. That's why MPs should have a say over the terms of brexit.

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