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Accountability of Sheffield MPs who voted against brexit

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It's irrelevant how each constituency voted, because the UK referendum result was decided on total numbers of votes for each of the two options on the ballot paper. Constiencies were only used for the purpose of counting votes cast, because it would have been silly to take all the ballot papers to one location to be counted. The referendum result was a decision decided by the whole of the United Kingdom, so all MPs should respect the democratic decision of the whole of the United Kingdom and cooperate with the Government, to make sure BREXIT occurs as quickly as possible.

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I took the Sheffiel vote as a whole. I hold my hands up and admit that Clegg probably did go with his voters. Not so much Smith though.


See we're all grown ups here. I can admit error although i'm not sure the name calling adds much to any debate.


Name calling? I agree with regards to Smith in a way but many MPs vote against the 'ideals' of their electorate regularly, the referendum just made it more obvious. Many MPs would vote to bring back fox hunting despite over 80% of the electorate wanting it remain banned...


We don't have direct democracy so we have to accept that often an MP will not vote the way we think they should. All we can do is vote them out at the first opportunity and I suggest you do that if you feel an MP hasn't reflected your views and wishes.

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Up to 2010 over 50% of the UK public supported the death penalty which was abolished in 1965.

The vast majority of MPs of both parties opposed it.Correctly in my opinion.

As a fervent opposer of Brexit I hope that our MPs continue to use whatever influence and powers they have to minimise the problems that will arise from Cameron's reckless gamble.

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Smith didn't. Her marginal seat of Penistone and Stocksbridge, "defied the official position of her party yesterday and the 61.3 per cent of her constituency who voted for Brexit."
Though I'm no fan of Labour, I have a newfound respect for Angela Smith.


She said publicly (at a business event I attended some weeks back) that she wouldn't support a Brexit vote in Parliament, and from your OP & post, after talking the talk for weeks, she's clearly walked the walk yesterday, and to hell with consequences at the next ballot box time.


Wish she was ours, instead of John Mann.

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I would argue that MPs who voted for the referendum bill, but are now voting to overturn the result (you know the "we respect the result but ... " crowd), are in a highly dubious moral position.

Nick Clegg voted against the bill, so I suppose he is in a stronger position than some. Angela Smith for example voted for the referendum.

Edited by unbeliever
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