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Accountability of Sheffield MPs who voted against brexit

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I'm not really sure why people's ire is directed towards Labour MPs as their votes were never going to make any difference.
Because their incumbent role of Parliamentary opposition gave them the opportunity of voting against the Bill, even if only symbolically, but most opted to defer to closet Brexiter Corbyn, no doubt self-servingly in local political terms.


Angela Smith has my utmost respect. Regardless of her rosette, regardless of her ward's voting majority, regardless of the fact that not once have I ever voted red or pink in my life, here or anywhere else.


She's one of the very few in Parliament I'm aware of, who both talked the talk (a long time pre-referendum, and after) and walked the walk at the ballot box.


Out of the lot, I'm not sure that more than the fingers of one hand are needed to count them.

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I see from your byline that you have an aerial business.

Has this been affected or do you think it will be affected by us leaving the EU ?


The biggest problem is the fall in the exchange rates, all our suppliers have put up their prices by between 5 and 20%, thus we have to pass that on, which may cost us business. I cannot understand why the inflation rate is, apparently, only 1.8%.

We don`t send much stuff abroad, the carriage is too expensive, but, at the moment sending stuff to EU countries is easier, we don`t have to fill out any customs forms. The carriage is also cheaper, though I suspect that`s more to do with the fact it`s nearer. The wider point being countries generally trade most with countries that are closer to them, because transport is quicker and cheaper. China, and other low cost Eastern countries, is the obvious exception, but the lead time to buy stuff from China is LONG, generally between 2 on 4 months.

I`d have thought the biggest danger to my business from Brexit is the probably slowing down of the economy. Most people think this will happen, though the Brexiteers are of the view it`ll be only for the medium term. We shall see, but even if they`re right that`ll still cost me some money.

Edited by Justin Smith
1.8% not 18%......
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The biggest problem is the fall in the exchange rates, all our suppliers have put up their prices by between 5 and 20%, thus we have to pass that on, which may cost us business. I cannot understand why the inflation rate is, apparently, only 18%.

We don`t send much stuff abroad, the carriage is too expensive, but, at the moment sending stuff to EU countries is easier, we don`t have to fill out any customs forms. The carriage is also cheaper, though I suspect that`s more to do with the fact it`s nearer. The wider point being countries generally trade most with countries that are closer to them, because transport is quicker and cheaper. China, and other low cost Eastern countries, is the obvious exception, but the lead time to buy stuff from China is LONG, generally between 2 on 4 months.

I`d have thought the biggest danger to my business from Brexit is the probably slowing down of the economy. Most people think this will happen, though the Brexiteers are of the view it`ll be only for the medium term. We shall see, but even if they`re right that`ll still cost me some money.


Thank you for your straightforward answer. Good luck for the future.

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Smith went against the wishes of the vast majority of her constituents and may well find herself picking up her p45 at the next general election. MP`s are supposed to work on behalf of their constituents , not against them.


Smith`s ward voted overwhelmingly to LEAVE the eu . Hopefully this woman will be out on her ear at the GE.


---------- Post added 14-02-2017 at 17:50 ----------



What it says is that they ( myself included ) have had enough of mass immigration and meddling from the suits in Brussels, and our MP`s ignoring our concerns .


Hear hear.




---------- Post added 15-02-2017 at 14:41 ----------


The biggest problem is the fall in the exchange rates, all our suppliers have put up their prices by between 5 and 20%, thus we have to pass that on, which may cost us business. I cannot understand why the inflation rate is, apparently, only 18%.

We don`t send much stuff abroad, the carriage is too expensive, but, at the moment sending stuff to EU countries is easier, we don`t have to fill out any customs forms. The carriage is also cheaper, though I suspect that`s more to do with the fact it`s nearer. The wider point being countries generally trade most with countries that are closer to them, because transport is quicker and cheaper. China, and other low cost Eastern countries, is the obvious exception, but the lead time to buy stuff from China is LONG, generally between 2 on 4 months.

I`d have thought the biggest danger to my business from Brexit is the probably slowing down of the economy. Most people think this will happen, though the Brexiteers are of the view it`ll be only for the medium term. We shall see, but even if they`re right that`ll still cost me some money.



Do you mean 1.8% or have you information I don't have.



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The biggest problem is the fall in the exchange rates, all our suppliers have put up their prices by between 5 and 20%, thus we have to pass that on, which may cost us business. I cannot understand why the inflation rate is, apparently, only 18%.

We don`t send much stuff abroad, the carriage is too expensive, but, at the moment sending stuff to EU countries is easier, we don`t have to fill out any customs forms. The carriage is also cheaper, though I suspect that`s more to do with the fact it`s nearer. The wider point being countries generally trade most with countries that are closer to them, because transport is quicker and cheaper. China, and other low cost Eastern countries, is the obvious exception, but the lead time to buy stuff from China is LONG, generally between 2 on 4 months.

I`d have thought the biggest danger to my business from Brexit is the probably slowing down of the economy. Most people think this will happen, though the Brexiteers are of the view it`ll be only for the medium term. We shall see, but even if they`re right that`ll still cost me some money.


I'm sorry for your troubles.

The BoE have increased their 2017 growth prediction for the UK to 2%. Just after the referendum it was 1.4%, down from 2.3% when they thought we'd be voting remain.

There's likely extra debt associated with this growth as we're borrowing more than we probably would have if it had gone the other way, and that will eventually have to be paid back.

But it's all fractions and there's no catastrophe looming now (at least none that wasn't there a year ago).


The remain crowd are right, that leaving the EU isn't free in the short to medium term, but I see it as an investment in the nation's future. Many of course see it as exactly the reverse of that and think that the EU held our better future. We may never know for certain.

Even if the EU project does fail, would it still have failed if we hadn't withdrawn our support? I think so, but who can say for certain. I still hope that it doesn't fail, but I honestly don't see how it can succeed.

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I'm not really sure why people's ire is directed towards Labour MPs as their votes were never going to make any difference. Only one Tory MP voted against it despite the fact that more Tory MPs represent constituencies where Remain voters were in the majority.


Why has there not been the moral outrage against the Tories for foisting this referendum on us, lying during its undertaking and not voting in line with their constituents' wishes?


My MP actually emailed me telling me he thought that seceding from the EU was a bad idea, and that we were better off in the Union.

He is a tory MP of long standing.

Unfortunately I do not have the email to hand to present him with.

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I'm not really sure why people's ire is directed towards Labour MPs as their votes were never going to make any difference. Only one Tory MP voted against it despite the fact that more Tory MPs represent constituencies where Remain voters were in the majority.


Why has there not been the moral outrage against the Tories for foisting this referendum on us, lying during its undertaking and not voting in line with their constituents' wishes?


1. My ire is directed at them both, but Labour in particular because, as a party who are supposedly pro-remain, with the notable exception of Keir Starmer they have been a totally ineffective, nay absent, opposition. Nothing was made of the errors in the white paper (anyone else think that 14 weeks paid leave will be 14 days by brexit?), nothing was done to oppose the cliff edge fall back.


2. This thread is about Sheffield MPs accountability to their constituents. Last I checked the Sheffield Central MP, the constituency I still hold an interest in, had a Labour MP.

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Basically the hard line Brexiteers have won by lying again : "the people voted for a total break with the EU", which, statistically, cannot possibly be true.


I cant see how it can be anything else as the questions put in the referendum were:


Remain a member of the European Union


Leave the European Union


By any logic Leave means just that, which also means a total break from the EU.

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I cant see how it can be anything else as the questions put in the referendum were:


Remain a member of the European Union


Leave the European Union


By any logic Leave means just that, which also means a total break from the EU.


I also never saw "Kind of half-leave the EU" on the ballot.

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