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Thinking of giving up the booze.

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Re-assuring to know that a few others have done it too. I am not massively bothered about what my friends think, my main concern is my only real source of socialising is based around going to the pub on a Saturday. I don't want to lose touch with all my friends and the one thing I do that gets me out of the house.

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I generally quit drinking in 2001. Was binge drinker

myself. Aside from getting drunk few times at

2007 when I broke with my first fiance, I don't

drink. It's worth it.

I know it's hard, because UK society, like Croatian and

any slavic society have strong culture of alcohol.


But, at the end, is definitely worth it.

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I generally quit drinking in 2001. Was binge drinker

myself. Aside from getting drunk few times at

2007 when I broke with my first fiance, I don't

drink. It's worth it.

I know it's hard, because UK society, like Croatian and

any slavic society have strong culture of alcohol.


But, at the end, is definitely worth it.


Thank you, I think I'm going to do it. Might sound daft but it's a good time to do it as if I can avoid alcohol over Christmas I can avoid it full stop.

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You can still go to the pub, just have an alcohol free beverage instead :)


I agree, I've had no more than a pint in a pub for some time. Early doors it's not a problem but as the night goes on, your mates could - if they're heavy drinkers- start talking "drunk". That can be a pain, but if your mates are moderate drinkers it really wouldn't be an issue. One other side effect is that you could turn into the free taxi home every night as you aren't drinking.

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You could consider telling them you have a suspected stomach ulcer and no longer can sustain that kind of binge drinking. Might be awkward though if your mates get a bit merry while you remain cold sober!


On telly the other night was a driver who (in the cop-shop) blew over 170 on the machine but amazingly didn't really appear too drunk!

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I agree, I've had no more than a pint in a pub for some time. Early doors it's not a problem but as the night goes on, your mates could - if they're heavy drinkers- start talking "drunk". That can be a pain, but if your mates are moderate drinkers it really wouldn't be an issue. One other side effect is that you could turn into the free taxi home every night as you aren't drinking.


I've had that problem before. Just because I'm not drinking doesn't mean I want to ferry all and sundry around, people tend to take advantage, and make you feel rude if you say no. I'd never be so cheeky as to ask for a lift unless someone specifically offered.

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