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Taking stuff back.

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Under sale of goods acts we are pretty much entitled to return our purchases to the place where they were bought.

This is something I did a couple of weeks ago with a rug that I bought from a department store. The rug was hanging on a frame in the shop and looked fine, but when I got it home I found black marks on it that looked like they were from a felt tipped pen.

A few days later I was going to be in the vicinity of another branch of the same store, so I took the opportunity to return the rug there. They couldn't have been more helpful. Within 5 minutes an assistent popped down to the checkout with a replacement rug. However on getting this one home I found the bindings were torn and clearly this rug had been on someone's floor for a while.

A week later I returned it to the shop, where they changed it again. This time I laid the rug out on the shop floor only to find the felt tip marks. This was my first rug again.

I took a refund.

Back home I checked the first shop online. They didn't have the rug in stock, so I ordered one. This time I collected a brand new rug in first class order.

I have however learned a lesson. That is that our ability to return goods means it is more likely that what you buy from a shop has already been used by someone else.

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Yep, I've seen this also. Bought a jacket with dodgy stitching on the lining.


Was the only one in my size so got a refund.


A week later I went to see if they'd got any more in - there was one on the rack - the one with the dodgy stitching!


And I once worked for a national computer company that would clean up and sell returned PCs as new.

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This happened to me, only with a car. I saw one of my old cars on a forecourt about 4 years after I'd sold it. Out of curiosity I went and had a look. The guy on the car lot was giving me the all the spiel about genuine mileage and everything, only for me to tell him I'd got rid of it with double the mileage on it than what he was alleging. Drove past later that day and guess what - It had disappeared. True story

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I once purchased a baking dish from a local department store. When I got it home and unwrapped it, a card wishing someone a happy wedding love Aunt Brenda fell out of the box.


Since I liked the dish and it appeared to be brand new, I kept it. I occasionally think of Aunt Brenda when I use it.:)

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