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Is everyone supporting the train drivers?

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He lost his his job and his freedom because he catastrophically failed at his job and directly casued the death of somebody.


It doesn't matter if the girl was drunk. He was in charge of safety on that platform. The girl who died was 16, and 16 year olds make mistakes.


Yet, you seem to be arguing that it was ok for somebody with a responsibility for public safety to make mistakes, but not the public they are supposed to be looking after. That is not how it works. The guard will have known that after 20 years in the job.


The family called it correctly. The guard failed in his duty, caused a death, deserved to be sacked and deserved to be jailed.


Maybe you can leave the family a message on Georgia's tribute page. Troll there instead.




---------- Post added 19-12-2016 at 20:24 ----------



It's a priority to make profit, and most companies they approach that in a responsible way.


When companies start to behave irresponsibly and government fails to keep them in check then workers start organising to fill the vacuum the government creates.


Same process been happening for 200 years over and over again. It should not come as a surprise when this happens.


It's been notable with the Uber and Deliveroo disputes that workers in a novel and very 21st century business model, when faced with the deprivation of basics such as a living wage, paid holidays, job security and sick pay, instinctively did what workers have been doing since the Tolpuddle Martyrs; organised together to make their collective influence felt, and it is working for them. It has told me that for as long as a profit driven economic model tries to impoverish and exploit workers in order to benefit owners, executives and shareholders, organising together is the most effective way of ensuring we get what we need out of that system.


It feels like after years of being bought off with cheap credit and welfare top ups of unliveable wages, workers are starting to wake up again.

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Employees must be flexible in the modern workplace ,and if they arnt happy , work elsewhere.


---------- Post added 19-12-2016 at 18:37 ----------



If you work for a private company, their number one priority is making profit, and rightly so . Employers arnt there to spread their wealth around.


Dear Comrade Penny :wave:


You insist that big corporations' number one priority is to make a profit, no matter the human or social cost.


That's why so many of them employ Eastern European immigrants, y'know, the same immigrants that you kippers are absent-mindedly trying to kick out.


Now you realise the value of these immigrants in increasing profits by failing to pay a living wage, I hope you realise the stupidity in voting to leave the EU.

Edited by The Joker
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Dear Comrade Penny :wave:


You insist that big corporations' number one priority is to make a profit, no matter the human or social cost.


That's why so many of them employ Eastern European immigrants, y'know, the same immigrants that you kippers are absent-mindedly trying to kick out.

Now you realise the value of these immigrants in increasing profits by failing to pay a living wage, I hope you realise the stupidity in voting to leave the EU.


Hey! They rent houses too!

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Dear Comrade Penny :wave:


You insist that big corporations' number one priority is to make a profit, no matter the human or social cost.


That's why so many of them employ Eastern European immigrants, y'know, the same immigrants that you kippers are absent-mindedly trying to kick out.


Now you realise the value of these immigrants in increasing profits by failing to pay a living wage, I hope you realise the stupidity in voting to leave the EU.


Sorry I'm late to the discussion, but what makes you think that the fact that he recognises that corporations want to make a profit means that we should structure our society to allow them to?


Also, about your signature, Nigel Farage never said anything about any money going to the NHS.

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And. The government are in charge. That's what we pay them for.

The train drivers on the other hand are employed to drive trains. If they want more money to account for a change in their jobs, we can discuss it. If they don't want to do the job any more they can quit.

The democratically elected government runs this country, not the unions.


Mmmm, we have noticed.

The Conservatives have run the country into the ground.

Prisons overflowing, Staff levels cut cut and cut again, experienced officers leave either when they have a breakdown or before they have one like they see their colleagues having, escapes and riots.

Policing is almost non existent for the ordinary citizen many crimes go unreported because people know they will lay on the side un-investigated because there is not enough manpower.

Now it is the turn of the train staff,

Guards are ultimately responsible for the safety issues on trains as we have seen by the recent case of the unfortunate death of the girl who fell onto the track. Will a train manager have that responsibility? Or will there be added responsibility placed on a driver who cannot possibly see the length of a crowded commuter train from the cab. Virgin trains are employing several platform staff in the place of a guard. The signaling of several members of platform staff takes more time than a single guard closing carriage doors and signaling that all is ready for a safe start.

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...Nigel Farage never said anything about any money going to the NHS.


“We have a £10 billion, £34 million a day featherbed, that is going to be free money that we can spend on the NHS, on schools, on whatever it is."

ITV's Good Morning Britain


"Do you know what I’d like to do with the £10 billion? I’d like that £10 billion to be spent helping the communities in Britain that the government damaged so badly by opening up the doors to former communist countries.

What people need here is schools, hospitals, GPs, that’s what they need."

BBC Question Time June 9th, 2016


"UKIP Leader Nigel Farage has announced a pledge that we will provide an extra £3 billion per year in NHS funding. The money will be directed squarely at frontline services.

This indicates an increase in cash redirected on critical and frontline care of a total £5bn at least.

Nigel Farage said, "UKIP is the only party to be able to make this pledge, as the money will come, not from cuts outside the NHS budget but as part of the Post-EU dividend.

No date UKIP own website

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I suspect that Comrade Penny isn't really a property magnate but a GCSE Economics student, given the childish knowledge of supply and demand demonstrated in these posts.


And persisting in calling him Comrade Penny, Flower, and writing in purple isn't childish..?


Glass houses and all that...

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