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Is everyone supporting the train drivers?

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That's not how it works at all.

If it was, given the amount of automation which has already been implemented, we'd have about 5% employment.


I've been round several US cities and airports on driverless rail systems. It's the future. The sooner they get rid of train drivers to sooner human error accidents are avoided. Robots don't go on strike.

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No, strike action is about having a degree of control over the place you spend a high percentage of your waking hours. If you're going to deny people control over their work life you might as well deny them control over the rest of their life as well.


Yep people are being denied that right - by the Unions.

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I've been round several US cities and airports on driverless rail systems. It's the future. The sooner they get rid of train drivers to sooner human error accidents are avoided. Robots don't go on strike.


There will always be a creator and operator ;)

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Yep people are being denied that right - by the Unions.


You're over-dramatising, people are being inconvenienced for a few days by Aslef. They've been inconvenienced all year by Southern, according to passenger groups some people have even lost their jobs because of Southern's ineptitude. Good management can usually avoid workplace disputes; Southern do not have good management, although I doubt they are paid accordingly. If a nationalised rail service was run this badly Tories would be demanding it be privatised immediately but because it's already privatised there's no comment from the market fanatics, just the usual union-bashing. I would suggest that workers acting together is just one aspect of market forces but your heads would probably explode.

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The basis of a Union is that some people make a decision over what affects there life - fully agree. They then apply that decision by force to everyone else.


The engineers,cleaners,ticket office,cleaners etc aren't affected by the changes and vote or not they MUST strike. That's bullying.


I fully support discussion and being happy at work. This isn't a political opinion,it's personal from years of Union enforced working practices killing British businesses and livliehoods.

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The basis of a Union is that some people make a decision over what affects there life - fully agree. They then apply that decision by force to everyone else.


The engineers,cleaners,ticket office,cleaners etc aren't affected by the changes and vote or not they MUST strike. That's bullying.


I fully support discussion and being happy at work. This isn't a political opinion,it's personal from years of Union enforced working practices killing British businesses and livliehoods.


Aslef just represent drivers though don't they? So the others will still be getting paid because they're not on strike.

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Aslef just represent drivers though don't they? So the others will still be getting paid because they're not on strike.


RMT is out as well,whether you vote or not agree or not you're on strike.

There may be drivers and guards who don't want to strike, i'm unsure about the unions and who is a member so you may be correct.

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