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Drug companies are deciding who shall live and who shall die.

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Drug companies are ripping of our own national health service on a daily basis.


Activas uk now charge £88 per 10 mg of Hydrocortisone tablets

In 2008 the same drug cost just 70 PENCE so a 12000 % price rise .


This is a life saving drug for some folk and the N.H.S has no choice but to pay the price demanded by this drug company ,in other words they and us are being black mailed .


Thousands of of other drug products are marketed at these obscene price hikes and some of them are not obtainable on the N.H.S due to the cost .


One cancer drug that can prolong life for up to two years is only available to the very rich among us in other words if you can pay live on and as to the rest :mad:.


Even in a worse situation are the third World countries who unlike us do not have the wonderful N.H.S to fall back on meaning the citizens of those poor countries just have to lay down and die while the drug companies in Switzerland, Germany, UK and America go on making billions out of the misery that these people endure.

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Hydrocortisone is off-patent, has been for some time.

Off-patent drugs can be bought from any number of generic drug manufacturers for pennies.


The NHS claim Hydrocortisone is only available from one single manufacturer in the world, which seems pretty strange personally, you have to question if the drug manufacturer were actually taking advantage of market dominance or simply taking advantage of lazy NHS employees who didn't seek out another source of the drug.

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Hydrocortisone is off-patent, has been for some time.

Off-patent drugs can be bought from any number of generic drug manufacturers for pennies.


The NHS claim Hydrocortisone is only available from one single manufacturer in the world, which seems pretty strange personally, you have to question if the drug manufacturer were actually taking advantage of market dominance or simply taking advantage of lazy NHS employees who didn't seek out another source of the drug.


The Telegraph also reported that whilst the drug is a generic drug, it was only being produced by Actavis until 2015.


You can buy Hydrocortisone tablets from Lloyds at £2.93 per 10mg tablet. If the NHS is still paying £88 per tablet then you really do have to wonder how stupid their purchasing department actually is.


Probably the same sort of people that spend £50k on a photocopier for their school.

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Drug companies are ripping of our own national health service on a daily basis.


Activas uk now charge £88 per 10 mg of Hydrocortisone tablets

In 2008 the same drug cost just 70 PENCE so a 12000 % price rise .


This is a life saving drug for some folk and the N.H.S has no choice but to pay the price demanded by this drug company ,in other words they and us are being black mailed .


Thousands of of other drug products are marketed at these obscene price hikes and some of them are not obtainable on the N.H.S due to the cost .


One cancer drug that can prolong life for up to two years is only available to the very rich among us in other words if you can pay live on and as to the rest :mad:.


Even in a worse situation are the third World countries who unlike us do not have the wonderful N.H.S to fall back on meaning the citizens of those poor countries just have to lay down and die while the drug companies in Switzerland, Germany, UK and America go on making billions out of the misery that these people endure.


Samssong did you read the terms and conditions which you agreed to when you signed up for the forum?

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The Telegraph also reported that whilst the drug is a generic drug, it was only being produced by Actavis until 2015.


You can buy Hydrocortisone tablets from Lloyds at £2.93 per 10mg tablet. If the NHS is still paying £88 per tablet then you really do have to wonder how stupid their purchasing department actually is.


Probably the same sort of people that spend £50k on a photocopier for their school.


That's just what I was thinking. All the reports seem very one sided.


The NHS often get overcharged for things due to their own stupidity and poor contract management. Their lazy strucutred attitude towards contractors, supply chains and outsourcing, all racks up the bill.


I will get you a perscription for paracetamol says the doctor. No thanks I get it for 20p a packet from the shop says me.


I know two of my older relatives who have cupboards full of repeated prescription supplied basic tablets like paracetamol and ibuprofen which are never used but they still call in the surgery week after week because they think that's what they have to do. That's £8.20 a charge to me and you but of course they get it free becuase of their age.


How much money is the NHS peeing away with thinks like this week in week out. My relatives cannot be the only ones who horde medications whilst still popping into the surgery on a regular basis for more. Lack of follow up, lack of control, lack of proper auditing.


Whilst I would of course protest about any forms of deliberate overcharging we cannot forget these companies are a BUSINESS. They are there to make money. Something the NHS would't understand the concept of in a million years. Perhaps if they had some business like brain they would be able to have better relationships with their suppliers and know how to manage, negotiate and sometimes battle with them to get a positive outcome. Unfortunately, like many a civil service they are simply a permanent drain. All delusions of its own grand importance that simply cannot be criticised or touched. It cries "it never has enough money" whilst failing to take any steps to mitigate its own burdens.


Of course they will increase the price on a product that has a dwindling useage and no competing manufacturers. They need something to keep them incentivised to make it.


Perhaps when the NHS and Taxpayers want to pay for their own millions of pounds into research, creation, development, testing and manufactuer of these life saving drugs then they will understand. That's never going to happen though.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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The Telegraph also reported that whilst the drug is a generic drug, it was only being produced by Actavis until 2015.


You can buy Hydrocortisone tablets from Lloyds at £2.93 per 10mg tablet. If the NHS is still paying £88 per tablet then you really do have to wonder how stupid their purchasing department actually is.


Probably the same sort of people that spend £50k on a photocopier for their school.


I did wonder if that was the case.

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