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Statins and alcohol.

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It seems I am soon to be prescribed statins to bring my cholesterol levels down. I've read that 'going out for a few pints' is not a good idea once the drug is in your system. Would appreciate comments/advice from anyone who has experience of this situation.

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It seems I am soon to be prescribed statins to bring my cholesterol levels down. I've read that 'going out for a few pints' is not a good idea once the drug is in your system. Would appreciate comments/advice from anyone who has experience of this situation.


My other half has been on statins for years. Drinks like a fish a couple or three times a week. Never done any harm. Cholesterol at the lowest level in years. But the doctor / nurse would advise otherwise.

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It seems I am soon to be prescribed statins to bring my cholesterol levels down. I've read that 'going out for a few pints' is not a good idea once the drug is in your system. Would appreciate comments/advice from anyone who has experience of this situation.


Perhaps that is bad for you, statins or not?

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Think you possibly hit nail firmly on head there. Nanny state mentality and all. Even my sodding dentist asked me how much I drank the other day. I did have to wonder why...


When your dentist checks your teeth, they also check the inside of your mouth for signs of mouth cancer and alcohol can be a cause of oral cancer.

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When your dentist checks your teeth, they also check the inside of your mouth for signs of mouth cancer and alcohol can be a cause of oral cancer.


Well I'm presuming there was no sign as nothing was mentioned. I didn't even need the whole scale and polish thing. He seemed quite happy...


And if alcohol is such a contributor to mouth cancer, one wonders why most commercially marketed beneficial mouthwashes are based on it? You'd have thought someone would have put a stop to that wouldn't you?

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And if alcohol is such a contributor to mouth cancer, one wonders why most commercially marketed beneficial mouthwashes are based on it? You'd have thought someone would have put a stop to that wouldn't you?


I've not seen an alcohol based one for a long time myself. Mine here has been shouting alcohol free for years. I presume though that's to stop the problem drinkers shoplifting them....

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I've not seen an alcohol based one for a long time myself. Mine here has been shouting alcohol free for years. I presume though that's to stop the problem drinkers shoplifting them....


They are still widely available. But coincidentally I have just seen this story...




So guess if people really want to drink cheap alcohol, they are going to find ways to do it.

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