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Private Pension Advice

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I need some advice about what to do with my private pension. Could someone with knowledge please PM me with a view to sorting my best options out. I've started a new thread as the others are quite old. Thanks.


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Hi just been to pension wise to sort my pension out, just ring them up for an appointment,then just take your paper work and they will tell you your options.

But at the end of the day you have to decide what to do ,helped me out:)

And was free advice

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I work in Pensions & finance. If you don't want to/can't pay for a financial advisor then Pensionwise is the best place to go. You get a free consultation & they will explain all of your options & any tax implications of each option. Make sure you shop the whole of the market, not just your pension provider's options. There may be better deals out there for you. Unbiased.co.uk is the place to visit if you need the help of an FA but don't know where to find one. & don't rush into anything, take the time to consider all of your options. Quite often once you have commited to an option it is an irreversible decision, so think it through properly.

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