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Lorry crashes into Berlin Christmas market

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There's muppets everywhere. Only 3 injured though - he was either using a popgun or some people have been very fortunate. Any idea if the attacker was religiously motivated or did he just not like Muslims?


Only three injured tho. That's ok then

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The link says the driver was of Eastern European appearance and that a number of casualties interviewed by the media are refugees, I wouldn't go jumping the gun about it being a Muslim terror attack just yet.


It probably was Muslims though. It is so sad that people from a religion dubbed by George W Bush as the "religion of peace", should be represented in such a way. Will we ever learn to just get on? My thoughts are with the poor families of the dead.

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We'll never get on as long as mosques and churches still stand and bibles and korans are still read.


I'm not sure that's true. Islam is going the way of Christianity as it's followers are being exposed to the benefits of the west. Education is the antithesis of religion.


Fairly soon Islam will become an after thought and eventually die in the west, as Christianity did before.

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I'm not sure that's true. Islam is going the way of Christianity as it's followers are being exposed to the benefits of the west. Education is the antithesis of religion.


Fairly soon Islam will become an after thought and eventually die in the west, as Christianity did before.


To discuss with you what I feel some Islamic men See as benefits to the west would get me banned.

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Your viewpoint panders to Sheffield forum mods therefore you're not in a reasonable place to pass judgement. I've put many a case forward in a reasonable way and yet they've been removed or I've been temporarily banned. This is exactly why Brexit and Trump is happening because we don't have the voice. I've been banned for posting links to apparent "hate sites" breitbart is a very good source of information, do I think some breitbart writers exaggerate? Certainly. This doesn't make the stories made up though.


So if you're certain that the writers exaggerate on the breitbart site, why do you think it's a 'very good source of information'?

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So if you're certain that the writers exaggerate on the breitbart site, why do you think it's a 'very good source of information'?


Because I can search the topic elsewhere. Most websites now will translate to English. For example I saw on breitbart about mass destruction and burning of cars by asylum seekers in Malmö so I searched the local newspaper of malmo.

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