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Ignoring Health and Safety, the consequences.

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Health and safety has gone way to far. you now see council workers using a scaffold tower to do a job only 6ft off the ground when a ladder would suffice , You see SKY Tv installers wearing more climbing gear than you would use to climb mount everest to install a dish 6ft off the ground.


Its pathetic , a complete joke.


He didn't when he did mine, he used ladders but he was safe.


Health and safety is a doubled edged sword -it saves an awful lot of lives in this country over the years but it can be used as an excuse by pen pushers if they don't want to do something.

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"Health an Safety" is the collective name for thousands of pieces of legislation amassed over a century.

They are there to protect employer and employee alike.


Unskilled, dangerous, unsuitable, medically unfit, drunk, drugged, rule breaking, compensation seeking etc. employees can be legally removed with the cooperation or non-intervention of their union. Sub-contractors can be held accountable.


Employees are less open to being sued, open to compensation claims from courts, families, penalty clauses payments from delays etc. and possible bankruptcy or bad publicity.


It obliges manufacturers of tools and systems to inform purchasers and users of their correct use so that employers are aware of the training the employee has or needs.


Risk assessment forms etc. are often generic and come up with stupid sounding comments. Blaming "Health and Safety" is a national pastime which fills quiet news days and incompetent organisers.


Ironically very tight H&S legislation could improve the position of UK manufacturers as compliance could be built into contracts.

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Quite apart from anything else, I think a lot of this H&S stuff is totally out or proportion. Let`s face it, for most people, the most dangerous activity they undertake is driving, yet, as we know from many threads on here, trying to make people drive slower and more safely just results in loads of anger. And I mean literally. Yet many of those same people wouldn`t want to encourage "anything dangerous". They want to spend a bit more time researching statistical risk.

Having said all that, working from ladders is statistically fairly risky, always try to reduce that risk : basic ladder safety.

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Things get completed on time because longer times are planned,Britain has one of the worst productivity in the EU,health and safety is just down to common sense.




I've never worked on a project yet where there is plenty of time allowed, and I've worked on many, many engineering projects.


Things get completed on time because they are planned, and part of that planning includes risk assessment/method statement, timely provision of safe access, monitoring site conditions etc etc.


Have you worked on any projects recently, or do you get your information from the Daily Mail?

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Quite apart from anything else, I think a lot of this H&S stuff is totally out or proportion. Let`s face it, for most people, the most dangerous activity they undertake is driving, yet, as we know from many threads on here, trying to make people drive slower and more safely just results in loads of anger. And I mean literally. Yet many of those same people wouldn`t want to encourage "anything dangerous". They want to spend a bit more time researching statistical risk.

Having said all that, working from ladders is statistically fairly risky, always try to reduce that risk : basic ladder safety.


Name 10 "H&S stuff" that is totally out of proportion.


I'd wager half are myths.

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I've never worked on a project yet where there is plenty of time allowed, and I've worked on many, many engineering projects.


Things get completed on time because they are planned, and part of that planning includes risk assessment/method statement, timely provision of safe access, monitoring site conditions etc etc.


Have you worked on any projects recently, or do you get your information from the Daily Mail?


Yes I have,because people could not bolt doors we had to have electric locking mechanism fitted at an expense and longer times to shut the doors,yes it was around 5 mins a door but when It happens 50 times a week it adds up and no I don't read the Mail.

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Yes I have,because people could not bolt doors we had to have electric locking mechanism fitted at an expense and longer times to shut the doors,yes it was around 5 mins a door but when It happens 50 times a week it adds up and no I don't read the Mail.


Were these doors on a machine of some kind?

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Name 10 "H&S stuff" that is totally out of proportion.


I'd wager half are myths.


Oh I agree with you, most are invented by companies (or councils) to save them money or work. Classic example: "you (as a customer) can`t use our staff toilet because of Health & Safety". But also this other classic one, "Pendolino trains have small windows because it makes them safer". I`m pretty sure there is no H&S ruling about the size of windows on trains, but the whole culture of the world is that way inclined now, and we all suffer for it. More than half the passengers on a Pendolino train don`t have an unobstructed view out of the window....

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Good job not everyone sees it that way or nothing would get done in this country.


Next you will be saying window cleaners should erect scaffolding .:roll:


Good job people like you don't work in my industry. With thinking like that we would never employ you.

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