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Can I charge people to park bits of paper on my car?

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Are you on something?


That's not very nice pal.



I would doubt that you can charge someone for placing a notification of another charge on your car. There may be some scope for charging someone who puts advertising (such as leaflets) on your car though.

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You know like companies charge you to park your car on their land. Well, using exactly the same principles, can you change people to park bits of paper (for example, parking charges) on your car?

Don't cooperate with giving the people who have issued the parking charge/ fine. Only the council and police can demand the name of the person who parked the car. If you have underpaid, then send them a postal order for the amount explaining it is a goodwill gesture, because you don't know who was using the car at the time.

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I would doubt that you can charge someone for placing a notification of another charge on your car. There may be some scope for charging someone who puts advertising (such as leaflets) on your car though.


Hmmm... that raises an interesting point!


If you can be fined for dropping litter, should car leaflet'ers be able to be fined for littering your car?


... Or does a leaflet only become litter when it hits the ground?


Another of life's unanswered questions, I suppose?... :huh:

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If you can be fined for dropping litter, should car leaflet'ers be able to be fined for littering your car?


... Or does a leaflet only become litter when it hits the ground?


Another of life's unanswered questions, I suppose?... :huh:


Or when leafleters put the leaflet on your gatepost.

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