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Men removed from flight for speaking in Arabic

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A bit of background I think is needed here.


Youtube star and known prankster who has already been found to be recording and producing totally fake "pranks" online was allegedly kicked off a Delta Flight when some passenger(s) complained that he was speaking in Arabic. A man who has already been caught out doing fake "social experiments" involving so called racial issues.


I think the media have done a bit of a knee jerk with this.


There are already allegations of unedited footage out there on the web of him recording an Intro to this "prank" before he proceeded to deliberately and loudly spoke in a exaggerated accent and tone. To me there is far more to this than is being said.


If, this is the ultimate cry wolf and he was genuinely kicked off for "simply talking arabic" then shame on the woman complaining. However, I just dont buy it. Something else is going on here.


How exactly did this complainant know. To be honest I wouldn't casually be able to accurately distinguish between overhearing someone speaking Arabic / Turkish / Punjab or Swahili or Polish for that matter. Are we suggesting that people such as this woman complain each and every time they hear a funny accent and language.


All seems too far fetched.

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His previous Youtube videos show that he has attempted to be deliberately provocative on flights before (counting down in Arabic, as if counting down to an explosion etc).


I don't know if anything else happened to justify removing him from the plane, but considering how he makes his money, it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility to imagine there might be more to this than meets the eye.

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A bit of background I think is needed here.


Youtube star and known prankster who has already been found to be recording and producing totally fake "pranks" online was allegedly kicked off a Delta Flight when some passenger(s) complained that he was speaking in Arabic. A man who has already been caught out doing fake "social experiments" involving so called racial issues.


I think the media have done a bit of a knee jerk with this.


There are already allegations of unedited footage out there on the web of him recording an Intro to this "prank" before he proceeded to deliberately and loudly spoke in a exaggerated accent and tone. To me there is far more to this than is being said.


If, this is the ultimate cry wolf and he was genuinely kicked off for "simply talking arabic" then shame on the woman complaining. However, I just dont buy it. Something else is going on here.


How exactly did this complainant know. To be honest I wouldn't casually be able to accurately distinguish between overhearing someone speaking Arabic / Turkish / Punjab or Swahili or Polish for that matter. Are we suggesting that people such as this woman complain each and every time they hear a funny accent and language.


All seems too far fetched.


He was speaking in a foreign language, he is the same colour as terrorists and has a beard so some women got paranoid and had him removed. I have watched the video and as he is being led off the plane protesting you hear a group of white people saying "see ya" to him.

I don't think it's far fetched...

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if of course true.


2 people kicked off a plane flight because some dared speak to his mum in arabic



the terrorists have indeed won, people are scared of people talking in "funny" languages


Looks like a load of trash to me, and you probably know it.


This is ridiculous, I hope that there is more to this than meets the eye. It's hard to believe that just speaking in Arabic gets you kicked off a plane. Does anyone know if Delta have made a statement?


I take it neither of you looked at the footage of him on the plane?


If someone was acting like this in this 'selfie' video, recording himself kicking off, I'd be first in line for kicking him off.


Looks a bit fake to me, probably someone trying to get twitter numbers up or summat.

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There was live footage .. recorded and running constantly at the time, it was on twitter..


One note.. the fat americans who got him thrown off seemed to gloat at the fact.

The fellow is not muslim.

And he's gay.

How many al qaida bombers are in that category.

Delta airways have a track record on this sort of racism.

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