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Is it time Britain had a referendum on the Monarchy

Keep the Monarchy  

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  1. 1. Keep the Monarchy

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You enjoy going to morrisons? she has lackeys for everything.How can you say she doesn't say what she thinks or go where she wants?do you have personal dealings with her.She has lived a privileged life any standards and if you can't see that you are blind.We have Charlie next and that will help getting shut of the royals,they are not needed anymore.


I do not enjoy going to Morrison's—that's what online shopping is for. I do, however, have a stunning figure and look damn fine in a French maid's outfit, so I think it only fair that the shoppers should have a chance to see that :P


I do not have personal dealings with Her Majesty. Do YOU? You seem to know all about her life. Do tell us more.


I admit to being short sighted in my youth, however laser surgery corrected all that and I can assure you that I'm not blind.


You do seem to make snap observations—both about the Queen and me. And I'm guessing that you know neither of us.


S x

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Can she wake up on a summer, sunday morning and decide to take the grandkids to butterfly world and then for a pizza or burger?


Can she wander around ladybower and get an icecream at fairholmes?


Can she pop along to the local for a pint on an evening?



She cant do a single thing that you or i consider normal, i dont call that life privileged.


she may have more cash than you or I but very few of her actions can be spontaneous or random.


I would not swap all her millions for my pennies, i much prefer the freedom my life gives



she cant even log into a forum and call you the same names you can call her.


Top post, EL: you took the words right out of my mouth .......


S x

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I'm sorry "fatrajah," I have lost the plot, must be getting old. What is the connection between "continuance of the Monarchy and independent travel ?" Why would we need to choose ? Could we not have a Monarch and a car ?


You mentioned that "Most nations manage quite well without a monarch." Conversely so do those with one, such as Japan, Thailand, Sweden, Spain, Norway, Holland etc. However the GB royal family is so well known and respected worldwide. Why is that ?


GB has always been in the midst of world events for centuries, and has helped to shape the democratic world, int'l trade, the EU, resisted demagogues and contained fascism & communism. It is an asset to us that many other countries don't have, but wish they did. Governments and Prime Ministers change, but the continuance of the Royal Family does not.

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Can she wake up on a summer, sunday morning and decide to take the grandkids to butterfly world and then for a pizza or burger?


Can she wander around ladybower and get an icecream at fairholmes?


Can she pop along to the local for a pint on an evening?



She cant do a single thing that you or i consider normal, i dont call that life privileged.


she may have more cash than you or I but very few of her actions can be spontaneous or random.


I would not swap all her millions for my pennies, i much prefer the freedom my life gives



she cant even log into a forum and call you the same names you can call her.

I would much prefer to have a walk round balmoral and skip the cornet.You make it sound as though her life has been as some kind of prisoner/slave of the country which is far removed from the truth that all the royals have a privileged life.

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Glen Pickard: Thank you for your measured reply couched in temperate language (unlike some other posters). My reference to car travel was just an example which a previous poster brought up. I was trying to gauge how much real importance was accorded to the Monarchy in a "scale of 1 to 10" sort of way; the reasons for supporting the Monarchy being often rather woolly & vague. I take your point about it standing in the way of extremism. The fact that all members of the military must take an oath of allegiance to the Crown is probably the best reason we have for supporting it. This is (probably) the reason we have not had a military coup in the Uk. That said, weren't the powers-that-be plotting against the mildly socialist Wilson government in the 1960s?

Edited by fatrajah
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in one sense she has been a prisoner. She is extremely limited as to where and what she can do, mainly for safety and security. But when Whitehall needs her for John Bulls program, she is there is a flash.

And she is still going, she was not able to retire at 65 like many people. At 90 she still puts in a full shift and is tireless. She will probably expire on the job, again unlike many people, in her unending support for the country and its people


---------- Post added 24-12-2016 at 17:19 ----------




I don't know about Mr. Wilson and the military. No doubt there has been occasions in this great country in the past whereby politicians speak about unusual actions, and get the military wondering "Will he/she or won't he/she. " There was a lot of "Ban the bomb" stuff in the 60s and 70s, which may have set some people to thinking hard.


I agree we need more then wooly or vague ideas as Royalty is a major institution and

has a significant budget. It is admirable that you are trying to gauge what level of support is there. You will want some firm reasoning behind the decision you make.

I offer the point that, aside from the UKs history, the Royal family is a huge, well respected "Brand" outside the UK, having lived in USA, Canada, central America and SE Asia to witness this.

Millions of tourists come to the UK as a result and many business people try to make a side trip to one palace or another when they come to the UK. The jobs/business support this brings is very significant.

My only complaint is that most of this does not get anywhere near Sheffield ! This is where the city of Sheffield has to convince inbound tourist institutions to include Sheffield/Peak District as a second destination along with London and the south.

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Robin H. Saying the Royals (saxe-coburg branch)are of German stocks , and the Monarchical institutions are from the Norman's is hardly an opinion, it's a fact. Whether you want to fell that outdated institution or not.


But trying to claim that they ARE German is total BS


---------- Post added 27-12-2016 at 16:37 ----------


The institution is from the Norman French invasion. And this current line of royal family of the saxe-coburgs are by enlarge odd German ancestry. Elizabeth's father and mother are both of German background.

Still the royalists system is a French Norman invention ..so hardly British. Knowing the history of it you'd surely know that ..

More importantly.. it's a ridiculous system that is outdated and archaic.


Is desperation setting in by any chance?


---------- Post added 27-12-2016 at 16:42 ----------


What? Impartially picking points? What are you on about?


Answer me this. My great great grandfather is Irish. Am I Irish?


Apparently yes!!!


---------- Post added 27-12-2016 at 16:43 ----------


The vast majority of people here in the North especially under 50 are anti royalist


You have the figures and links to hand I assume?


---------- Post added 27-12-2016 at 16:45 ----------


believe. Few Northerners give a fly about the royals up here..

Whenever the royals came to visit up here when I was a kid, only a few people would be there waving flags and theyd be poor school kids forced to go cheer the royal inbreds..


FACTS please about ALL of your claims

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I would much prefer to have a walk round balmoral and skip the cornet.You make it sound as though her life has been as some kind of prisoner/slave of the country which is far removed from the truth that all the royals have a privileged life.


Really? Read EL's POST (#107) again and then have a good THINK ......


And don't forget ...... she can't just throw on her causal trousers and a fleece. She has to dress the part, pop on her make up, walk out on schedule and so on. All things which I've ignored today. Cos I can. How liberating :)

Edited by Solitaire
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