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People are offended at everything?

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I honestly cannot see what the problem is with camp behaviour. Your behaviour is part and parcel of your total makeup your personality and sexuality.


Do you object to women behaving in certain ways too. For instance, wearing trousers, having very short hair, riding a motorbike, doing a manual task or earning their living by doing skilled manual work. These could all be construed as being macho.


Should we all float around in what is regarded as feminine aparell, giggling, fluttering our eyelashes and asking a man to do every little thing.


Behaving in a camp manner could be seen as a defence against the attentions of women.

The thread is about why certain remarks are made, if a person appears to be different inevitably remarks are made. Some remarks critical some complimentary, some appreciated some not.

People have and will always dress and act as they wish to project an image.


---------- Post added 28-12-2016 at 20:31 ----------


Perhaps you need to look at why you are attracted by it.

Very Freudian way of looking at it.

But I meant the attention attracted by some one that is projecting an image different to that of the majority.

Edited by harvey19
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The attention attracted.


What sort of attention?


Should I assume that you mean unwanted negative attention from people who do not like 'campness' because they do not like homosexuality and therefore do not like being reminded that it exists?


Do you think that is a reason why they should change their behaviour?

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What sort of attention?


Should I assume that you mean unwanted negative attention from people who do not like 'campness' because they do not like homosexuality and therefore do not like being reminded that it exists?


Do you think that is a reason why they should change their behaviour?


I do not see why anyone needs to make a point of expressing their sexuality if we are all equal and a person's sexuality is of no consequence to anyone but themselves and their partner.

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I do not see why anyone needs to make a point of expressing their sexuality if we are all equal and a person's sexuality is of no consequence to anyone but themselves and their partner.


Do straight people expressing their sexuality (holding hands or kissing in public for example) get the same attention that you seem so against 'camp' people getting? Assuming they don't (as I don't believe they do) why is that behaviour socially acceptable but gay people expressing their sexuality isn't?


This talk about people not being allowed to express their sexuality is usually only reserved for people who do not like homosexuality and use that as an excuse so that they don't have to admit they are actually just homophobic.


Assuming that you are not one of them, are you genuinely suggesting that all displays of sexuality should be kept in private, so no holding hands or kissing in public at all..

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