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People are offended at everything?

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Bottom line; Cyclone has lied about what Hammond said.


Don't like it, don't watch it. Be offended by the whole show or none of it. Complain about it all or none of it. You aren't special.


What is Cyclone meant to be lying about? That Hammond says that eating ice cream makes you look gay. That is what I infer from Hammond's comments too so I'm not sure how Cyclone is lying?


I'm confused about what you're arguing about now. You provide a link and tell people to watch it - I say that I think what is linked is quite offensive, then you tell me not to watch it?

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What is Cyclone meant to be lying about? That Hammond says that eating ice cream makes you look gay. That is what I infer from Hammond's comments too so I'm not sure how Cyclone is lying?


I'm confused about what you're arguing about now. You provide a link and tell people to watch it - I say that I think what is linked is quite offensive, then you tell me not to watch it?


Cyclone said in post 180.


Hammond actually said that he didn't want to appear gay.


No. He didn't. So Cyclone is wrong about what he said. As the video you have watched proves.


You interpret what Richard said your way I'll interpret it my way. Are you entitled to think your interpretation is right and mine is wrong? No room for subjectivity? Well I'm entitled to the contrary belief then surely? Hard luck.


I'm saying don't watch the Grand Tour if you find it offensive. Complain about all or nothing. You aren't special.


I provided the link the prove Hammond didn't say what Cyclone said. That was obvious. It was for everyone to see and realise Cyclone is quite clearly wrong. And you ask me if I'm being deliberately obtuse?!

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Cyclone said,


"Hammond actually said that he didn't want to appear gay."


No. He didn't. So Cyclone is wrong about what he said. See the link.


You interpret what Richard said your way I'll interpret it my way. Are you entitled to think your interpretation is right and mine is wrong? No room for subjectivity? Well I'm entitled to the contrary belief then surely? Hard luck.


I'm saying don't watch the Grand Tour if you find it offensive. Complain about all or nothing. You aren't special.


I provided the link the prove Hammond didn't say what Cyclone said. That was obvious. And you ask me if I'm being deliberately obtuse?!


It is obvious to me (and others) that Hammond didn't want to appear gay. He might not have said those exact words, but I feel his inference was clear.


Seeing as you have just said we are both entitled to different opinions, I am sure you will not refute my interpretation of what he said (despite spending quite a lot of time over the past two days doing exactly that..)

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He might not have said those exact words, but I feel his inference was clear.


He absolutely didn't say those exact words. Cyclone is wrong to say he did. And then repeat it even when I provided the link.


I'm afraid I cannot agree with you about the 'face he pulled' either. You are now starting to see what you want to see because you have spent a fair bit of time here defending your position and its too late back out now. Unlike myself. I said from the start how I interpreted the joke and I haven't changed my mind.


Seeing as you have just said we are both entitled to different opinions, I am sure you will not refute my interpretation of what he said (despite spending quite a lot of time over the past two days doing exactly that..)


Where was your thread about the immigrant joke in the earlier (last but two I think) episode? Or the gypsy joke in episode one?


Why don't you take offense at the whole show rather than just the gay bit? You have no moral superiority if you are happy to laugh at jokes at the expense of others but not gay men. You are a hypocrite in fact.

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He absolutely didn't say those exact words. Cyclone is wrong to say he did. And then repeat it even when I provided the link.




Where was your thread about the immigrant joke in the earlier (last but two I think) episode? Or the gypsy joke in episode one?


Why don't you take offense at the whole show rather than just the gay bit? You have no moral superiority if you are happy to laugh at jokes at the expense of others but not gay men. You are a hypocrite in fact.


Please, you're making yourself look quite silly now.


I didn't start this thread - nor did I start the conversation about what was said on The Grand Tour.


I joined the conversation as it was something I had an opinion on, but not something I feel strongly enough to make a specific thread about, or even raise as a topic of conversation. The discussion was already going on, I merely joined it.


If there were threads or discussions about the immigrant 'joke', or the gypsy 'joke', I might well feel I want to interject into those conversations too.


You don't know me, and you have absolutely no proof that I have laughed at jokes at the expense of others. What a ridiculous thing to say. I won't report your post, I'm really not that petty, but I think making unsubstantiated and derogatory claims about other posters is against forum rules.

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Please, you're making yourself look quite silly now.


I didn't start this thread - nor did I start the conversation about what was said on The Grand Tour.


I joined the conversation as it was something I had an opinion on, but not something I feel strongly enough to make a specific thread about, or even raise as a topic of conversation. The discussion was already going on, I merely joined it.


If there were threads or discussions about the immigrant 'joke', or the gypsy 'joke', I might well feel I want to interject into those conversations too.


You don't know me, and you have absolutely no proof that I have laughed at jokes at the expense of others. What a ridiculous thing to say. I won't report your post, I'm really not that petty, but I think making unsubstantiated and derogatory claims about other posters is against forum rules.


I don't want to know you.


I reported Cyclone's post. He said Hammond said something which YOU have just agreed he didn't. That is misquoting. I offered him the chance to watch the video again and he didn't. He continued to say Hammond said something he didn't. That is against forum rules. So what derogatory posts have I made about other forum users? Other than say Cyclone is either mistaken and won't admit it or is deliberately lying? I have substantiated that belief by posting the video evidence to show Cyclone is misquoting. That's all I need to do thanks. It's not derogatory to say Cyclone is misquoting Hammond, it's just true.


Do you think the following is true?


You have no moral superiority if you are happy to laugh at jokes at the expense of others but not gay men. You are a hypocrite in fact.


Did I in fact say you do laugh at the expense of others? Because I didn't say that. I said if you do, then your moral superiority is non-existent or mired in hypocrisy. That's a very different thing and I thank you not to put words in my Robin.


I look silly? I'm not the one offended by Richard Hammond's stupid joke.

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I don't want to know you.


I reported Cyclone's post. He said Hammond said something which YOU have just agreed he didn't. That is misquoting. I offered him the chance to watch the video again and he didn't. He continued to say Hammond said something he didn't. That is against forum rules.


I look silly? I'm not the one offended by Richard Hammond's stupid joke.


I'm not interested in continuing this debate with you as it seems to have descended into personal attacks (on both sides).


As you yourself said, you interpret what Richard said your way I'll interpret it my way.

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Cyclone said in post 180.




No. He didn't. So Cyclone is wrong about what he said. As the video you have watched proves.

No, you're interpreting it in a deliberately weird way so that he didn't say that.

It's quite clear that he did mean that.


You interpret what Richard said your way I'll interpret it my way. Are you entitled to think your interpretation is right and mine is wrong? No room for subjectivity? Well I'm entitled to the contrary belief then surely? Hard luck.

Since your interpretation required you to invent an entirely different conversation I'd say that's good evidence that your opinion is wrong.


I'm saying don't watch the Grand Tour if you find it offensive. Complain about all or nothing. You aren't special.

Do you think you're special? Are you in a special position to tell everyone not to be offended because he meant something different?



I provided the link the prove Hammond didn't say what Cyclone said. That was obvious. It was for everyone to see and realise Cyclone is quite clearly wrong. And you ask me if I'm being deliberately obtuse?!


Well, most people seem to agree with my interpretation, which doesn't require a fictional different conversation to have taken place.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 19:15 ----------


If that's how you interpret it. I interpreted it as him saying he doesn't enjoy eating ice cream because he isn't gay not that he's worried about looking gay.


As I say, it makes no sense.


Just a reminder, this is your interpretation.


It's not that he doesn't want to look gay???

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