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People are offended at everything?

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That's a joke right?


It is not a symbol of being gay. Joey Barton wears rainbow laces. He isn't gay.


None of the Foo Fighters are gay. Here they are v Westboro Baptist Church.



(the Foo thing is not related to the thread but I like it)


This video is even better....Foo Fighters Rick Roll Westboro Baptist Church


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again YOU can choose to wear any badge you want BUT THIS was a special occasion to commemorate 50 years of the decriminisation of homosexuality, so i think them deciding to wear a badge for something else would seem a little.....odd?


---------- Post added 05-08-2017 at 18:31 ----------



Have the national trust been forcing employees to wear other badges on other occasions ? Poppy on the run up to rememberence Sunday? A crucifix at Easter? Pointy hat at Halloween? Is the national trust somehow entwined with the legalisation of homosexuality I'm not aware of?


You're missing the point by a mile.

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There will always be homophobia...just like racism or xenophobia


But in the eyes of the law gays are equal.


Pride marches used to be about protesting about the inequality in law. Thats why the rainbow flag was so significant.


That battle has been won. Gays are well represented on tv and the media. And in the jobs market.


The national trust were just forcing their narrative on people.


We get it, your left swinging and liberal. Move on


I'll inject some psychology here. As human beings we evolved for religion, and even when it's not practiced in the historical sense, we still remain 'wired' for the groupishness of religion.


Religion was our way of working together to fend off our adversaries.


Wanting to reduce discrimination is noble, but when you allow something to become sacred you essentially start practicing religion. Anything that questions or critiques your sacred value becomes blasphemous.

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Have the national trust been forcing employees to wear other badges on other occasions ? Poppy on the run up to rememberence Sunday? A crucifix at Easter? Pointy hat at Halloween? Is the national trust somehow entwined with the legalisation of homosexuality I'm not aware of?


You're missing the point by a mile.


I agree with you to a greater extent. But not with the sentiments of Skylinephoto which amounted to; "its not fair that they celebrate something that wasn't fair now being fair unless I can celebrate that I'm not of them."

Edited by BazBug
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In what way is I Love Straight Sex equal when the other badge doesn't say I Love Gay Sex?


---------- Post added 05-08-2017 at 16:19 ----------



Do you not understand what equal means either?


I understand that nobody should be forced to wear a badge if they don't want to. In which case, in this instance, all badges should be banned

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I do not understand why we have to keep having gay equality awareness drives all the time.In what way are gay people still unequally treated?.Gay people have all the same rights as heterosexuals.Will we still be having these pride events in 20 years time.Fair enough it is 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalised and rightly so but apart from anniversaries do we have to keep having these positive reinforcement campaigns.Time for everybody to just get on with our lives,there is no fight left to fight.It is like us still having marches against apartheid.You have to remember that all these national trust workers were all volunteers and so should not be forced to wear something they do not want to.Some people are very religious as is there want and will not be comfortable with it.Would the ex liberal leader have been comfortable with it.Each to their own.Even the family of Robert Wyndham Ketton-Cramer are angry of the National Trust for outing him when it appears that they have no definite proof that he was gay.That is what has upset some of the volunteers that the national trust have been opportunistic to get people to go and visit Felbrigg Hall.

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How did you type that with a straight face. You have got to be trolling.











It would take seconds to find many more examples of why this fight has only just started. Wise up.


With all due respect what can we do about the backwards countries that still criminalise it and homophobics and racists will always prevail like it or not.I still here racist comments about people when i am out and about and from the young and not just the old.If some of the young are still growing up prejudiced what chance is there of it being erradicated completely.Force feeding the public may inevitably have the opposite effect of what it is trying to achieve,food for thought?.I am not a troll i am just a realist.

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We keep fighting against it. We challenge their actions. We bring sancations against them. We keep raising awareness. We keep the cause going... that's what we do.


Blimey, thank god organisations like NATO and the UN dont have a stance like yours. We dont give up like that.


The very fact that you used the words "there is no fight left to fight" despite a clear knowledge of continuing disgusting and archaic attitudes towards LGBT persons around the world just astounds me.


As for force feeding the public. Seriously? Gay pride is usually just an annual event. Just like many others. This year, yes, the issue is being prolonged because of the 50th year anniversay. Hardly overexposure is it.

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We keep fighting against it. We challenge their actions. We bring sancations against them. We keep raising awareness. We keep the cause going... that's what we do.


Blimey, thank god organisations like NATO and the UN dont have a stance like yours. We dont give up like that.


The very fact that you used the words "there is no fight left to fight" despite a clear knowledge of continuing disgusting and archaic attitudes towards LGBT persons around the world just astounds me.


As for force feeding the public. Seriously? Gay pride is usually just an annual event. Just like many others. This year, yes, the issue is being prolonged because of the 50th year anniversay. Hardly overexposure is it.

If you want to keep fighting for something you believe in then good on you.I do not have a problem with that but i will not be a part of it.I will carry on with living my life without worrying about other peoples problems,lifes too short and i am already heading towards the finishing straight.I have learnt to ignore the worlds problems.I do not seem to be able to walk round a city centre nowadays without somebody preaching injustices to me or wanting me to give them money or sign some petition.I do not have the heart for it anymore.If i could live on some island on my own i would.Goodnight, got to get up for work early in the morning.


---------- Post added 06-08-2017 at 22:27 ----------


We keep fighting against it. We challenge their actions. We bring sancations against them. We keep raising awareness. We keep the cause going... that's what we do.


Blimey, thank god organisations like NATO and the UN dont have a stance like yours. We dont give up like that.


The very fact that you used the words "there is no fight left to fight" despite a clear knowledge of continuing disgusting and archaic attitudes towards LGBT persons around the world just astounds me.


As for force feeding the public. Seriously? Gay pride is usually just an annual event. Just like many others. This year, yes, the issue is being prolonged because of the 50th year anniversay. Hardly overexposure is it.


You have said that i have a clear knowledge of attitudes towards the LGBT community,and to be honest i didnt until you listed the examples.I do not read newspapers or watch the news i was not aware of any of the examples you gave.

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